ZyXEL NBG-418N V2 - bricked
Hi , I have a ZyXEL NBG-418N V2 and for one year was good , after that it started to disconnect by it self from the internet causing the loss of the wireless , I had to reboot the device everytime it did that , at some point was so frequently that is just put it somewhere for over a year or so ... I'm using my old wireless…
NBG6515 Port forwarding/NAT
Hey, I'm trying to set up nat/port forwarding on my NBG6515 router. I managed to open port 22 (for SSH) and forward it to my server computer running in my LAN. So: ssh username@extIP works and directs ssh to my home server. However, I was unable to map the routing between different ports, how can I do that with my router?…
Aurora - does it upload the videos to the cloud? How to access?
Hi,I have two Auroras set up and running. Videos are in the playlist, but ONLY if the camera is online. So I assume it has a 16GB internal storage (The technical description leave it open if it is internal or in the cloud). My aim is to store the videos in the cloud. I mean would be pretty useless if a thief sees the cam…
Router NBG6515 no more in production?
Hello, Subject (ZyXEL NBG6515) dissapeared from sales, does it mean the product is EOL? It's the best device Fttx customers, simple, reliable and suitable priced. Physical button to choose extender, router or AP, 4 leds for LAN ports etc, all very neccessary features. If its EOL any suggestions for similar device because…
Armor Z2 router
Hello, How can I block a device by mac and/or I.P address please? Given that It may be hidden from the network i.e not visible by the router? #Home_Router_Sep_2019
Bricked Zyxel Aurora camera after firmware upgrade
I just bought a zyxel aurora cam and alarm unit. Alarm unit did not work so i tried to start a firmware upgrade from my mobile phone. Now aurora cam does not start, it's led just lights up white and stays that way. I found firmware from the product page but there are no instructions to write firmware to aurora camera…
Aurora Cam notice of disconnection in the APP
Hi, since sunday i get just an email notification that something happened and i can see the three pictures but if i started the app i get the notification that my camera is offline. I am using iOS BR Pancho #Others_Aug_2019
viewing offline videos of Aurora (CAM3115)
Hi, How can I see the previous videos of this IPCAM (stored at cloud) when it is offline.How can I access the video archieve?How can I see the video, live, via any internet browser? Just from my mobile/tablet? Thanks a lot. #Others_Aug_2019
hi I pressed reset on my router the. Now my WiFi network is back to Zyxel NBG-418N v2 and is requiring a wpa2 password . What is that #Home_Router_Aug_2019
How can I get remote access to my NBG6617 router?
I tried following the manual....no success....what can I do? #Home_Router_Aug_2019
NBG6615 - DHCP Problem
Good day, there is a router NBG6615, by default it ip address, I assign it the ip address, reboot it, then postglucose to it via ip address, go to the construction of the DHCP server, where the address range is already, confirm the settings, reboot it, but it addresses…
zyxel NBG-418N v2
salve, volevo sapere se questo prodotto zyxel NBG-418N v2 ha la doppia banda una a 2,4GHz e l'altra 5GHz... ed eventualmente come si fa a configurare il prodotto con un unica banda di uscita a 5GHz.. grazie ciao #Home_Router_Jul_2019
NBG6604 WIFI電腦搜不到連結點
請問各位大大 為何我新增購的這款,手機都能搜到WIFI點,筆電卻不能搜到? 前幾個月也有買過一樣的,都能正常使用 我也有更新過筆電的無線網卡驅動程式,仍然無效 請各位大大教一下吧! MAYDAY #Home_Router_Jul_2019
Router Issue
Just Purchased NBG418n V2 router and observed that NAT is enabled by default, can anyone help how to disable it #Home_Router_Jun_2019
Aurora - Message no recording files in the selected period
Hi Team, Before i did the Firmware Update to V1.00(ABEQ3.3)C0 the aurora works fine. i got the notification that there was a detection and i could watch the recording. After the update i only get the notification i can also the notification on the app but when i want to see the recoprding i got this message. No recording…
What's this? (ZyXEL NBG6604)
Z2 Problems in saving names and icons of client table
Hi,I'm experiencing a strange behaviour in my ZYXEL ARMOR Z2....may be a BUG. In easy mode I change names and icons of my connected devices but when I get again into the page names and icons are changed (the last time all devices had the same name of last device I changed). I have already updated the firmare to the last…
NBG6503 - port re-mapping
Hi, what right remaping port from LAN / and to WAN /my.dyndns.org/ ? port 21 to 2021 , port 23 to 2023 , port 80 to 2080 port 21 to 2121 , port 23 to 2123 , port 80 to 2080 #Router_Mar_2019
Is it possible to get Aurora video stream without the app?
Hi, is it possible for the Aurora users to get the stream and display them? What protocol does Aurora use? Can user develop own app for the Aurora? Thanks. #Others_Mar_2019
Zyxel NBG6716 issue
Hi I recently bought (15 days ago) a Zyxel AC1750 router. It worked fine for few days but now does it doesnt show wifi signal or connect via lan. The only icons I can see are Power (which goes on and off sometimes), WAN and LAN port 1. I have tried restarting the router multiple times and even resetting but in vain. Do any…