[NEBULA] Take the logs on a server
Hello all ! We have a NSG50 and i need to take the logs and put on a server to save it. The only way is put a usb stick on the NSG but it's not a good solution for me. I tried a lot of solution : -Take the file by ftp -by PowerShell -HTML and JavaScript, work but it's not automatique and need a human's action. -SSH ect...…
SFP Port Configuration
Hi Nebula Team It would be great if the option to change the SFP ports to DAC10g was available on the portal, this would have saved me some time today troubleshooting module connectivity.
[NEBULA] What does "Gateway exceeds the upper limit" mean?
I'm trying to register a new device (NSG100) on the Nebula control centre, but I keep getting the error message "Gateway exceeds the upper limit.". What does this mean? I've googled it but cant find anything.
GEO IP Blocking
Is there any intention to add the security of Geo IP blocking to your terrific product
Hi where in Nebula is it possible to activate FTP ?
Allowed to delete default LAN interfaces
My colleague accidentally deleted the default LAN interfaces on the security gate addressing interface configuration on nebula 2.0. This gave us a headache trying to figure out why devices were getting a different IP adres from a different DHCP server. In the old interface you were not allowed to delete these default LAN…
[NEBULA] Subscription Costs
Hi, we have a client who is moving their network support over to us. I'm trying to fiond the monthly cost for Nebula but have spent about 30 min on the site without any luck. How do I find out what the ongoing costs are? Thanks Dave
[NEBULA] New Setup - 2x NWA1123-ACv2 - Always Offline
Hello everyone, Excuse me for probably a stupid question. I had created a Nebula account some months ago, and put the final configuraiton on hold for various reasons. Today I could continue adding the two APs (2x NWA1123-ACv2) but no matter what, the two APs remain offline in NCC. My Nebula account is "free" after all this…
Content Filtering whitelist
The whitelist on current version works correctly Switching to Nebula2 displays an error and will not save
hier einige bitten für das Nebula Cloud System. 1.wenn ich einem Client einem Namen zuweise, um zusehen wie viel Daten er verbraucht. möchte ich ihn nicht in 3 verschiedenen Client listen suchen. sondern hätte ihn gern übersichtlich in der Topologie. Aktuell sehe ich jeden Client der mit einem Ap verbunden ist ein mal auf…
[NEBULA] NSG 50 Site-to-Site VPN Problem / Dropping Tunnel every 30 seconds
Hello fellows, We bought an NSG 50 (nearly 1 year ago i think) to replace an USG-20-VPN. First we used it behind an LTE Modem, established multiple VPN IPSEC Site-to-Site connections we are in need of. (Mostly to other USG (60, 50) and a few to no Zyxel Devices. Unfortunately we had to switch over to the USG 20 VPN again,…
versiyon 2 dark modu harika
versiyon 2 dark modu harika
[NEBULA] MAC Auth fails
I have 2 AP NWA1123-ACv2 and one site with 3 SSIDs, two with WPA2 Pre-shared key and one with MAC-based(Open) Nebula cloud authentication. I found that anonymous users can access to the site by MAC-based(Open) Nebula cloud authentication even if their MAC address in NOT in the Cloud List. Any idea or is a bug? Thanks in…
Dark Skin
Hi, i think i can speak for anyone about this.. add a dark skin! my eyes are bleeding ;) Second point: an easier way to bind a mac address to a fixed ip inside the dhcp. it should be inside the client's tab, not only running through the dhcp tab
[NEBULA] SSID für Organisation und nicht nur für eine Site
Hallo, ist es möglich SSID's für die Organisation zu erstellen? Konnte nur für die Sites welche erstellen. Meine Firma hat mehre Standorte die ich in Sites verwalte. Da muss ich aber für jede Site die selben SSID's erstellen. Würde gerne die SSID's einmal erstellen und an die Sites verteilen. Danke
[NEBULA] Content Filtering
HI, i'm tryng to configure my nebula Gateway, NSG50, but i can't block url. In the screenshot attached my configuiration, for example from i client i can acces www.yonkis.com but in the configuration is correctly identified by the content filtering. thank you!
[NEBULA] 1 User limit on L2TP Connection
Hey Guys So today I have another weird issue, an NSG100 is only allowing one VPN client at a time. When more than 1 user connects the other drops. Anyone seen this before?
[NEBULA] GS1920-8HP connected to Nebula - Unable to access local login
Is it normal not to be able to login to the local IP interface of a GS1920-8HP switch that is connected to Nebula?
Move Devices between organisation
How can i move a device from one organisation to another without loosing its configuration
[NEBULA] speed issues
Internet speed from cable going in is 850kb/s. Out of the Nebula is only 100kb/s. Running NSG200 with two NSW-100-28P switches. Anti-virus is on. Any thoughts? thanks