AP list order by name
In nebula2 the list of AP ordered by name is not working OB
Colors of the pie chart
In the dashboard, colors of the pie charts could be improved. too many shades of green don't make them immediate :) Thanks
AP list
Hi If you have a lot of AP on 1 site, you need to change the number of AP displayed by page to see all your AP. (OK) If you select 1 AP to see or edit it and then click back or on "Access point" in the top of the page, you go back on the list but with only the first 30 AP again ! This is really annoying ... Kee the…
[NEBULA] Profile Updates
Is it possible to allow login details to be changed in Nebula please? There is a need to change the email address being used and it doesn't appear that this can be changed anywhere in Nebula. Thank you
ErrDisable - Loop Protection - Auto reenable
Hey there, I'm currently exploring the Nebula cloud and have added a few of our switches to the nebula cloud for testing purposes. We're running the switches in a school environment and the Loop Protection is one of the reason why we've choosen Zyxel devices (Unifi for example supports RSTP, but doesn't seem support Loop…
[NEBULA] Nebula 2.0 AP monitoring
We have a site with 140 AP In Nebula we see the list of AP but when we change to Nebula 2 and request the monitoring of AP list, the request never complete and the list never appear (tested in Firefox and Chrome)
Dashboard overload.
The old dashboard was clean and simple, it had 8 boxes, most of them useful. My new dashboard has 13 boxes, 9 of which say 'No Data'. Nine boxes of nothing - its just TMI (yes I realise the irony in that ?). If there's no data, I would suggest hiding the box and re-arrange the other boxes to give a simplified presentation…
[NEBULA] Force clients to connect 2,4
Hi!!! I need force to connect only one device to 2,4. The 5Ghz band not working for this device. How can i do??? Thanks!!!!!
[NEBULA] NSG200 maximum nat
We've just upgraded from a USG60 to the NSG200, adding virtual server in happily until we get to 50 and then it blocks us from adding more, I thought the NSG200 would have higher limits as it is much higher specced and priced than the USG60
[NEBULA] NSG urgent patch has been released!
Dear Nebula users, On November 18th, a new NSG firmware patch has been released on Nebula Control Center fixing an issue identified in previous firmware released (October 28th). The issue causes the device loosing connection with Nebula under some unstable network cases; while the network functionalities keep running, the…
Items have reached the maximum number (16)
customer has 5 nsg200 firewalls. When we changed the lan interface settings for the third firewall, the following error message was displayed
[NEBULA] Nebula-fähige Geräte - Komplette Liste
Hi! Ich suche nach einer vollständigen Auflistung aller Nebula-fähigen Geräte - hat da jemand was auf die Schnelle? Bin auf der Website nicht fündig geworden, aber vielleicht habe ich Tomaten auf den Augen - kann ja eigentlich nicht sein, das es sowas nicht gibt ;-) Danke und lieben Gruß
nebula fles versiyon 2
1ç versiyon menu yapısı cok güzel versiyon menu yapısı cok kotu
[NEBULA] Frage zu PoE beim NSW100-10P
Hi alle beisammen! Nutze schon länger PoE-Switches von Zyxel, und früher bei den Standalone-Geräten gabs eine Funktion, mit der man verhindern konnte, dass PoE ausgeht nach dem Nutzen einer bestimmten Anzahl von PoE Ports. Wo krieg ich das über Nebula eingestellt? Danke und Gruß TempTemp
NSG200 maximum nat
We've just upgraded to an NSG200 from a USG50, adding in NAT as per the export from the USG get to 50 and we've reached the limit, even though results per page displays as up to 300 so we thought we were safe
[NEBULA] Captive portal authentication when the internet is down on site
I have a inquiry regarding Nebula AP? What will be the behavior if captive portal is enabled and but the internet went down? How can the Nebula AP authenticate the users while the internet is down?
NCC Slowness Due To UI Design
Hi Team, Apparently when there are thousands of logs fulfilling search criteria, NCC is extremely lagging. I think it can be a simple fix by front end design to load only the logs relevant according to pagination. NCC can tell me there are 58000 logs found but it shouldn't load all of them into the browser session.…
Captive portal detail / Themes / Custom themes color
Hello forum, In "Captive portal detail / Themes / Custom themes color Is it possible to add the possibility to directly put the color code in Hexadecimal format (Blue = # 637dc2) next to the color selector. Sample : It would be easier for us integrators to respect the graphic charter of our customers. In advance, thank you…
NSG Exposing Unintended Internal Ports to the Internet
NSGs rely on NAT for inbound firewall rules. However NAT (Virtual Server) rules don't allow you select which protocal type you wan to use. For example: If I want to open TCP 443 only I can't do that with NSG. It opens UDP and TCP 443 (at least from what I can tell). Please add the ability to select protocol type as part of…
Content filter for single vlan only?
Hi. Maybe this is the best place to ask: Is it possible to have content filtering enabled to a single vlan only, or will all lans be affected when enabled? Love the upgrade by the way! Thank you!