NSA 325 keeps rebooting
Hi,I have a NSA 325 and it tries to reboot all the time. I had it shut down for a few weeks but now I cannot get it up again. If I plug it in just the powerbutton lights up a few minutes long the nas tries to do something, then the powerbutton light goes out but just for miliseconds and comes back on. If I disconnect the…
I am trying to setup iSCSI LUN for my NAS326 and I am a newbie on this subject. Currently I have 2 different size internal SATA hard drives. So, I can have redundancy backup for my files and pictures. In the past, I have lost way too many family pictures with the way I kept my files. I am (as I am typing) trying to recover…
How to install Tweaks / Metarepository
Hi, Iam using a NSA310 with fw V4.70(AFK.3). I wanted to install the Tweaks in order to shutdown the nas remotly from my openhab. Changed the wb_prefix file to "http://downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/" Than updated the package list from the Internet on the web interface. Nothingh happened. I still…
Twonky Mediaserver shows "stereo" as file names
Hi, Twonky Media server shows "stereo" as filenames for newly converted m4v files. I restarted (rebuilt) the media database but I got the same result. It is a Zyxel NAS 542 with firmware V5.21(ABAG.5). It is the DLNA view: It is the /i-data/.media/twonkymedia/db/11.tms.dat file: I think Twonky is using the audio channel…
NAS326 Replace one hard disk
I don't know if this is possible but my internal disks are full and I want to replace the 2nd bay one with a new 8TB. However I have some data in it already and it is already formatted as ext4. Is it possible to make the NAS recognize/mount it as internal Volume 2 without having to go through the process of having to…
NAS326: Removing multiple partitions from an old hard drive
I have a SATA hard drive that I want to use for my 2nd internal NAS that I kept for spare that was previously used with MAC partitions on it. How can I gets my NAS to format my hard drive correctly and get a full capacity instead of portion (10%) or what ever it think it has. Any helps would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.…
NAS326: New Installation - Old SATA Drive w/DATA
Hi everyone, I am new to Zyxel and to the Forum. Just got my NAS326 today. I have tried to install my NAS per instruction and trying to connect through the web through the link provided (multiple times but not working), I finally connect with the NAS through IP Address and log in. But every time I tried to go view and my…
Unable to login to Shared Folder
I have created a Shared Folder with read/write access to everyone and I tried to connect through the network (mapping) and it said access denied. I have admin rights for my user account that I am trying to connect. Not sure what is the problems. I have checked everything in the setting and the configuration and they all…
NAS326 SMB shares windows problem
I just found this forum coming from nas-central so I'm going to ask this here also. I am trying to move any file from a folder in the nas326 to another folder in the nas326 in windows 7. For some reason the move process is really slow! It needs to copy the file first at a rate of about 4MB/sec and then delete it from the…
Zyxel NAS326: Can't share folders?
Hello. First the "shortcomings". There are four predefined shares:adminmusicphotovideo These cannot be changed. No name change, no deletion and at first it looked like you couldn't add any more.Even under Windows, the "fascist" term that audio is music, bothers me ;-). Who doesn't listen to music is mentally ill (many…
Photo library trapped :(
Hi! First of all, I'm not a very technical person but at least I try :) I have a NAS326 since a couple of years. My MacBook Pro was to full so I decided to move my photolibrary (from the mac app photos) to it, and only use it while on the NAS. This solution worked fine, albeit a bit slowly. That's why I bought a new HDD…
Hello. When I try to upload a lot of files via FTP (Filezilla client) the NAS works pretty good until it transfer about 1300-1500 files/folders and then I get an error that stop the connection to the server saying "too many open files". Total size I need to transfer is 360GB. I have tried a lot of Firewall, Router and…
Sync working
How can i understand when a sync works is done? (from an external hhd to nas) #NAS_Apr_2020
shared folders twonky server
why doesn't it allow me to write shared folders? #NAS_Apr_2020
because if I try to change some setting it gives me this error? #NAS_Apr_2020
problem with permissions 777 mode
Hello everyone, I have some problem with my zyxel nas326 nas. I create "myuser" who is part of "everyone" group. If I create another group (for example "mygroup") the "myuser" don't have full access to files. Now every file I create is with full permissions -rwxrwxrwx 1 mysuer everyone 843 Mar 29 18:57 test.txt <- copy…
problem with backup sync zyxel from nas542 to nas 326
Hi i have upgraded nas to 542 from 326 and i have done backup with service zyxelsync from 326 to 542 without problems.Now i use 542 as primary nas and want to sync it with 326 but i have problem becouse 542 return an error starting client server protocol, and i can use only rsync that work but give me void destination even…
Name file of nas is different on Smart tv?
why the name of the file of the nas is not similar to what I see on the multimedia player of my samsung tv?(example name of nas yyyyyyyyzzzzzzz.mkv on my tv is zzzzzzzz.mkv. #NAS_Nov_2019
Size of barrel connector of power supply from NAS236?: 5.5 x 2.1 or 5.5 x 2.5 mm?
Hello. I got a used NAS236 from the dealer with the wrong power supply. I want to get a replacement (and have the dealer pay, he has no replacement, is from an office closure). What connector size is it? 5.5mm x 2.1mm or 5.5mm x 2.5mm. @ Zyxel, I don't want to buy an "original", I know this is standard. Successfully…
Log report configuration
I can't configure the log email; help me please #NAS_Jan_2020