NAS326 Hacked ?
Posts: 1
I watched a video on youtube how a person shows
that he has hacked NAS326.
Does anyone in this forum know if these gaps are closed.
Seems there is cause for concern.
Google search: youtube NAS326 hacking
As far as I can see this 'hack' is using an API which is only available when you logged in on the NAS. So just use good passwords, and you are safe.0
That's what I thought. I am pretty sure, the person probably had access to a NAS326 device too, right? I always used complex password. Bad habit from my work (Oops, I meant good habit). LOL! Combination of long password, and different types of special types of characters, numbers, alphabets, etc.0
@FHM_DK - On a serious note, on how to protect your system. FYI! Any system can be hacked no matter what. You just have to be vigilant and protect yourself and create a strong password. Change it as often, if you needs to. Do not share it with anyone. who doesn't need to know.0
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