External Volume not accessible on other hardware
I'm using an external 2TB HD together with my NAS540 to backup some old data. Now I'd like to connect that external volume to read data from it directly to another PC as the transfer speeds are way higher over cable than network. However when I connect the drive to a mac or a pc, the drive is recognised but it can't be…
NAS542 DyDNS Fatal Error
Hello, sorry for my bad english, but I try to describe my problem. Ich have a NAS542 with one problem with setting up DyDNs. Following message has come: An unrecoverable error has occurred. For example, Authentication error. DyDNS was automatically deactivated. Can I fix this ploblem? Who know this problem?Thanks for help.…
nas326 owncloud kurulumu ve ayarları
Merhaba Ağ ve depolama konusunda çok bilgim olmamasına rağmen bir adet Zyxel NAS326 satın aldım. Statik ip adresim yok. Dinamik ip adresim olduğu için modem üzerinden cihazıma sabit bir ip adresi atadım ( Şimdi ben bu cihazıma uzak bir Windows bilgisayardan erişmek istiyorum. Bunun için owncloud uygulaması…
Samsung TV can`t play "avi" from NAS326 twonky media server
Hello, ".mkv" play without problem, but can`t play ."avi"Samsung Qled, NAS326 - latest firmware V5.21(AAZF.5) with twonky media server.I tried PLEX media server and had no problem, but I don't like it because NAS & HDD can't sleep. #NAS_Dec_2019
Obnovení NAS
Dobrý den,měl bych dotaz ohledně NAS 542. Jeden z disků se rozbil, vyměnil jsem ho za jiný (disk 4). Poté jsem dal obnovit RAID5, chvíli to běželo a poté NAS začal pípat. Obnovil jsem stránku a najednou se objevilo varování "Nebezpečí" s červeným vikřičníkem. V sekci "Logický disk je 1, který je vytvořen z disků 1, 2 a 4 a…
NSA325 Shares intermittently becoming invisible to Windows
I have a CIFS share on my NSA325 v1 that is dedicated to writing backups from my Windows notebook. From time to time my backup software (Acronis True Image 2020) fails with error messages reporting that the target share is no longer available. Rebooting the NSA325 usually fixes this, but I would prefer that it didn't…
hostname.zyxel.me is not working, while UPnP is setup correctly. How to solve this?
As can be seen in mycloud.zyxel.com the UPnP is setup correctly. But I cannot open the hostname.zyxel.me webpage (where hostname is the name I set in the setup). I read on this forum that I probably need to open a port on my router, but I was not able to figure out how. Can someone help me out? I have a Zyxel NAS326 and a…
Maximum disk capacity Zyxel NAS542
Hi, I have read that the maximum volume capacity is 16TB. Does that mean that if I buy 4x8TB disks, I won't be able to use them in RAID 5 configuration (resulting in 24TB of disk space)? How can I utilize all the space (preferably with RAID 5)? #NAS_Dec_2019
Nas320 unable to access win10pro
RE: Have a NSA320 Old model with SMB1, Cannot access it with Win10 Pro, any info at zyxel? #NAS_Dec_2019
iSCSI LUN Recovery
Using a NAS326 for backups on a Windows domain -- trying to decide if I want to use iSCSI so I can configure a hidden drive for use with Windows Server Backup (no judging - I've used it for years in various iterations on hundreds of servers in small networks and it has been easy to use and flawlessly reliable). My question…
NAS326 Transmission Low Download Speed
I use nas326 to download bit torrent but max download speed around 30 MB/s. While I download same torrent on my desktop pc it at full speed of my internet speed 50 MB/s. Who has same problems like me? Or because it low ram of nas326. Thanks. :) #NAS_Dec_2019
NAS540: Volume down, repairing failed, how to restore data?
Hi all, I use a NAS540 with latest firmware and 4 x 3TB WD RED disks. A few days ago the NAS told me that the voulme was degraded and disk 2 was taken out. In fact the status of all disks was 'green'. Anyway, I followed the instructions to repair the volume. The time needed was shown as ~35hrs. After around 24hrs I checked…
No 'GUI' login fields in NAS326...
Has anyone had such problem...??? My NAS326 browser link:,/desktop,/login.html I have cleared browsers, tried on different PC's. Results the same. Any solution for that? #NAS_Dec_2019
Upgrading From NSA310 (x2) plus NSA365 to a NAS542
Hi All, Apologies for the long question :) I've just discovered that the disk format has been changed between my earlier Zyxel products and the new NAS542. Can anyone come up with a step by step strategy to upgrade, without losing my existing data or having to buy additional disks? I have: * An NSA310 with a WD Red 3TB…
Using Zyxel NAS326 without internal HDD
Hi. I'm looking to buy a Zyxel NAS326 for my home, but since I have a few big USB HDDs, I was wondering if I can use the NAS without internal HDD and use only the attached USB HDDs. If I can do it, will I have any limitation? It is possible to make RAID1 using 2 external HDDs? And with 1 internal HDD + 1 external HDD?…
NAS320 Update drives from 1Tb to 2TB in Raid 1 configuration
I want to upgrade my Storage in a Raid 1 configuration. Is this the correct procedure 1. Remove 1 drive 2. Insert new 2Tb drive 3. Select Repair option, I assume that this will now be visible in the Volume / Actions column 4. Once repair completed repeat steps 1 - 3 with other drive How then do I use the full 2Tb ? Thanks…
NAS326 does not pair to set up the cloud
When I run the procedure in the mycloud.zyxel.com web page, in order to activate a cloud, the device is not found by both the automatic or manual search wit SN and MAC address. A new account has been opened before. #NAS_Aug
Zyxel NAS326 Beeping
My NAS 326 is beeping. The firmware is the latest. * I took the hard drives out and put them back in and it still beeps. * I reset the unit but it does not seem like it can be reset. * I took the hard drives out and turned the unit on and it DOES NOT beep. * I tried to recover the data by using the Sabrent docking station…
NAS540 hard disk failure reconstruction abnormality
Dear Sir,After I replaced the failed hard disk, the place of resyncing has been stuck at 0.2%. What is the problem? #NAS_Nov_2019
Expanding volume after hard disks upgrade
Hello I've recently replaced all 4 disks from 1TB to 4TB and rebuild RAID5 (replacing one disk at the time). It took 5 days to do this and had to do multiple retries to get it done (for some reason it would fail and I had to restart NAS to finish rebuilding RAID5). In the end it worked out fine. Now I'm trying to expand…