Fehlermeldung #2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
Hallo, ich bin hier neu und habe ein Problem. nach ca. einer Woche ohne MySQL Probleme kommt seit heute die Meldung #2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) Der Server antwortet nicht (evtl. ist der
Socket des lokalen MySQL-Servers nicht korrekt konfiguriert). Was ist passiert und…
sync software for nsa 325v2
i would like to know if you could suggest me a fast software to sync my files to the nsa325 v2.at the moment i use memeo backup but it takes ages to sync #NAS_Dec_2018
NAS542 folder is visible but not clickable
HI yeah so watch this: I have a subfolder which is shown that there is (over the web access you can access its files) but I cant click on it at see what it is inside let alone interact whit it. OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.1 NAS: V5.21(ABAG.1) photo attached #NAS_Dec_2018
How to access .pgk folder on NAS540
Hi there! I'd like to swap out the updatemanager.py file on my NAS540 (Pyload isn't working properly in it's current state and cannot update) but can't access the folder. On my NSA325 a folder called zy-pkgs shows up in the explorer, but not on the NAS540. I read something about symlinks but have no idea how to use them...…
L2TP VPN behind a router
Hi guys, im totally new to VPN thing. I want to connect to my home network from my laptop (win7) when im abroad. my home network can be illustrated like below picture. I simply want to access my home NAS ( from my lap when im outside (i have ddns account :) ). Can somebody please explain the procedure (or a…
NAS520 Died
My Nas 520 Stopped working. Now that im troubbleshooting it i find that it has no ip nor am i able to select origin country. it just reverts back. Could it be that them button bateries need changing or something. When i place my hdds in a usb tray, windows is unable to find them. I have over 5 Tbits of storage i hope isnt…
Migrate from NSA325v2 to NAS326
My NSA325v2 stops the network link after some minutes after power on. I consider to buy the NAS326. May I just remove the two hard disks (mirrored) from 325v2 and insert them in NAS326? Thanks. #NAS_Dec_2018
how to change webUI (weblogin) password from ssh-cli on NAS520 ?
I want to know if its posible to change the password of a user like admin from command line interface, i've change it with passwd but it seems to change for ssh not for webui, thanks in advance for your help. #NAS_Nov_2018
NSA320_windows explorer
Does anyone have any idea how to map/add NSA320 hdd's/shared folders with windows 10? .. so it can be visible under windows explorer, for now I see NSA320 as network device, but empty .. under NAS administration sharing-shares I've added whole drive as shared/public, also I've enabled SMB1.0 in windows any suggestion at…
NAS Starter Utility
Jaka jest najnowsza wersja programu NAS Starter Utility ? gdzie go pobiorę ? NSA310 . Microsoft Bing Translator : What is the latest version of NAS Starter Utility? Where will I download the program? #NAS_Nov_2018
Any support for Alexa on NAS326 ?
Is there any support for Alexa on NAS326 #NAS_Nov_2018
kein normaler Netzwerkdurchsatz
Hallo,nach Einrihtung des neuen NAS(326) habe ich eine katastrophal niedrige Übertragungsrate.Aktuell so um 5000-7000 kb/s. Beim Transfer auf mein anderes NAS(326) erreiche ich so um die 109000 kb/s. Auch beim meinem dritten NAS(326) erreiche ich die 109000. Habe schon alles mögliche in der Konfiguration…
Mount Windows 10 share on NSA320
Hi, I'm trying to mount a Windows 10 share on my NSA320. I'm using mount -t cifs // /n-data -o vers=3.0,username=Cloud But I get this error saying mount: Host is down Do you know what I need to do to fix this? I am able to ping without any issues. #NAS_Nov_2018
LEDs on NAS542
Dear Community, is there a way to turn off the HDD LEDs on the NAS542? i can only choose "turn off LEDs in Idle" in the system settings but this does not seem to do anything. I want to turn off all 4 HDD LEDs maybe there is a command line way via ssh or telnet? greetings Alex #NAS_Nov_2018
How to read a Hard Drive from a dead NAS.
Hello! Unfortunately my NSA320 NAS has suffered failure today but the drive is unaffected and i need the data! I've tried Linux, Mac and the Windows software "Linux reader" but have had no luck! Can anyone help me with being able to read the drive and recover data? Cheers! Jacob #NAS_Nov_2018
how to conect NAS 310 to NAS 542 and copy content to 542 directly?
I have both new NAS 542 and i would like to copy all dates from 310 to 542. How can i do it? Please could help me someone with it or where is on internet some guide how can i do it ? #NAS_Nov_2018
Command line restore of DAR files
Hi We have a NAS326 running RAID1 and a backup to a USB HDD. I want to be able to prove to mself that in the event of the NAS box dying I can restore the backup files using something other than the NAS box's own restore tool. So I've downloaded DAR.exe from sourceforge and tried: DAR -l "E:\Backup Job…
Adding a drive to a NAS326
Hello all, owner of a NAS326 here, have been using it for 2 years with a WD NASdrive. no problems so far. i just got a new 6tb drive, that i want to set up on the second slot of my NAS326. I remember when i first inserted the old drive it asked to format it. not a problem at that point since it was blank. My question now:…
Plex Mediaserver
Hi all,at first, sorry my english is verry verry bad.I have a big problem. How i install plex Mediaserver on my zyxel 540 nas. thanks for your help #NAS_Nov_2018
Install git server on nas326
hi,how can i install a git server on a nas326?although i don't know if i could use it or not, how can i install the zypkg metarepository? thanks,#NAS_Nov_2018