NAS-325 - FTP - Write Permission Problem from CCTV device

I hope someone could help with a problem I am having on my NSA network storage drive.
I am trying to setup a CCTV camera I have on my network to record image and send them to the NSA via FTP.  There is a test button on the CCTV camera configuration to test the FTP connection.  When I click it I get an error 'user does not have write permission'.  When I look in the NSA log I can see the user log in and log out so the network credentials are clearly correct, however I can't find anywhere that might stop the user from writing files to the NSA.
I tried connecting to the NSA with FileZilla from my PC using the same user details and I can drag files from my PC to the NSA.  I do however see a warning that the NSA Certificate has expired, I can click past that and I get connected and all is OK.  Is it possible this certificate is causing an issue for the camera?  If so how do I update it on the NSA?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Did you specify a destination directory in the camera? As far as I remember you see all shares you have access to when logged in over FTP, but you can't write to the root.

    You only get a certificate warning when you use FTPes. Plain old FTP doesn't use certificates.

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