NAS access from the internet

WildChlamydia Posts: 2
First Comment Friend Collector
edited March 2021 in Personal Cloud Storage
I have NAS326. I configured everything for internet acess: ownCloud, myZyxelCloud, DDNS, UPNP, forwarded ports on my router and etc.
But I can't acess my NAS from the internet.

I tried to traceroute by name or IP and it stack after reach my provider node: 

>> sudo traceroute XXX -p XXX

 1 (  0.355 ms  0.310 ms  0.287 ms
 2  XiaoQiang (  0.697 ms  0.685 ms  0.674 ms
 3  * (  3.318 ms  3.307 ms
 4 (  3.257 ms * *
 5  * (  3.242 ms *
 6 (  3.006 ms  1.659 ms  1.636 ms
 7 (  1.667 ms  1.026 ms  0.998 ms
 8  XXXX  1.673 ms  1.617 ms  1.595 ms              (my provider IP, not my)
 9  * * * (nothing happens next, loosing packages)
10  * * *
11  * * *

For sure that port is opened and forwarded. For sure no antiviruses and firewalls disabled totally. 
I checked everything and can't unsderstand what can be a problem.
Here is myZuxelCloud status, it claims all ok:

My IP is dynamic, I have not public IP. But as I understand, DDNS should solve it anyway?
What can be the problem here?

Accepted Solution

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,827  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    My IP is dynamic, I have not public IP. But as I understand, DDNS should solve it anyway?

    If you don't have a public IP, you can't solve it using DDNS. DDNS is just a trick to resolve a dynamic public IP. But if you have Carrier Grade NAT you can't forward ports in the 'outer IP', and so DDNS is useless.

    You can see if you have CGN by comparing the IP showed by with the WAN IP of your router. If they are different, you have CGN.

    There is another way to have no public IP, Dual Stack Lite which also doesn't give you a public IPv4 address, but in that case you should be able to use IPv6.

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,827  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    My IP is dynamic, I have not public IP. But as I understand, DDNS should solve it anyway?

    If you don't have a public IP, you can't solve it using DDNS. DDNS is just a trick to resolve a dynamic public IP. But if you have Carrier Grade NAT you can't forward ports in the 'outer IP', and so DDNS is useless.

    You can see if you have CGN by comparing the IP showed by with the WAN IP of your router. If they are different, you have CGN.

    There is another way to have no public IP, Dual Stack Lite which also doesn't give you a public IPv4 address, but in that case you should be able to use IPv6.

  • @Mijzelf thank you very much, very useful information

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