Can’t add Multy X devices to app

The Multy X devices have been stable for years and I think I’m running on old FW.
I tried to reset all devices and add them in the app again, but it just gets disconnected. If I setup more than one devices, the second fails during the sync. I also followed that guide that it said that app will notify for important update of firmware, but it doesn’t pops up. I’ve tried the app and setup from 3 other devices (all iOS14) but no luck.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @NikWancha,


    What are your Multy X devices’ current firmware version?

    Can you create 1 node(only root Multy X) environment for all of your Multy Xs once at a time and force your Multy X devices to make firmware upgrade?

    After all of the Multy X’s firmware upgraded to latest, please create your current environment again.
  • NikWancha
    NikWancha Posts: 2
    Friend Collector
    edited May 2021
    Zyxel_Can said:

    Hi @NikWancha,


    What are your Multy X devices’ current firmware version?

    Can you create 1 node(only root Multy X) environment for all of your Multy Xs once at a time and force your Multy X devices to make firmware upgrade?

    After all of the Multy X’s firmware upgraded to latest, please create your current environment again.
    Hi Can,

    I've been able to create 1 node as root, but node doesn't appears in the app after WiFi network has been configured. The WiFi network works as well even it doesn't shows up in the app. Adding another node to the root Multy X fails during Bluetooth sync.

    For the FW version, I'm not able to check it as I'm not able to access the node through the app.

    I've got 2 nodes and I have tried to configured both as root as well.
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector
    NikWancha said:
    Hi Can,

    I've been able to create 1 node as root, but node doesn't appears in the app after WiFi network has been configured. The WiFi network works as well even it doesn't shows up in the app. Adding another node to the root Multy X fails during Bluetooth sync.

    For the FW version, I'm not able to check it as I'm not able to access the node through the app.

    I've got 2 nodes and I have tried to configured both as root as well.

    Hi @NikWancha,


    When did you buy your Multy devices?

    Is your Multy app’s version the latest version?

    Can you record a video for this setup and send me by private message?

    Please also provide me Multy App’s Bluetooth syncing screenshots.

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