[NEBULA] How to access Nebula Devices from remote IP addresses ?

Zyxel_CSO Posts: 430  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited May 8 in Other Topics
Via NCC server name: d.nebula.zyxel.com.

1. Inbound access is unnecessary to configure under normal network setting
2. Outbound access will be required to open access(eg: Whitelist) for IP address and below ports if there is a default restriction for outbound connection.

•  TCP ports 4335 and 6667 are used for Nebula device management.
•  TCP port 443 is used for Nebula Cloud Authentication (s.nebula.zyxel.com)
•  UDP port 123 is used for Network Time Protocol(NTP)

Zyxel Nebula Support