Data consumption inconsistent with Zyxel LTE2566-M634 portable modem and SIM Very Mobile

Ukeen Posts: 4
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband
Hello everyone and thanks in advance for your help.

I use a Very Mobile SIM (ITALY) with a Zyxel LTE2566-M634 portable modem. Everything works perfectly. The only anomalous thing is that the data count of the Modem 6.3 GB is much lower than the count made by the Very Mobile App 35.9 GB. Could someone tell me if I am wrong to read the data or if there is something I can do to figure out which of the two is right (Very Mobile or Modem Zyxel)?

I am attaching two images of the last reading made by Modem and the Very Mobile App.

Thank You for your Help.


  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,380  Guru Member
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    There's no doubt which is the correct one, for the ISP. Their.
    Anyway... something useful for having the right setup should be useful.
    Did you told to your router the right "reset" date?
    Moreover: do you every shutdown your device and check, before and after, the data consumption?
  • Ukeen
    Ukeen Posts: 4
    Dear mMontana,
    thank you so much for your help. The reset date has been set correctly and the total DL / UL data does not change each time the device is restarted. However, I seem to have understood that you are telling me that the router cannot go wrong but my ISP has all the advantage of inflating the Gb consumption data. Is it correct?

    Thanks again.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,380  Guru Member
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    IMVHO (i'm Italian too) the ISP consider reliable only it's measurement, unless you can prove with certified environment and equipment that they're wrong. Only in this occurrences, with something more than "my device is telling something different" the informations from your ISP can be put as object of investigation.

    Nevertheless, the difference is... quite spicy. More or less, 5 times between the data on the OLED Display and the one registered by ISP.

    Firmware published at beginning of January says as first bugfix row:
    • Bug fixed on OLED display contents
    Do you have the latest firmware for your device?

  • Ukeen
    Ukeen Posts: 4
    Dear mMontana,
    latest firmware installed at measurements time. Posted same questions above to my ISP but no luck (no answers at all). In your opinion are there others ways to communicate with ZYXEL'S technicians for official answers? 
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,380  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    I'm sorry, i have no idea...
  • I personally believe that Zyxel needs to overhaul its entire customer service department (if it exists). I do not think it is possible that for a customer of a company considered "serious", the only way to obtain assistance is through a community not so much for the skills of the people who make it up as for their not belonging to the company itself in particular in their Technical Team. If I'm wrong because there are other support channels, it's not my problem anyway: Zyxel should make it easier to find.
    Thank goodness there are companies like Amazon that "cover up" the flaws of the less serious ones ..... the only problem is how much our planet will be able to support this type of reckless trade.

    Thanks anyway to everyone for the help.

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