Re-install firmware via download - how-to?

w8rn8r Posts: 16  Freshman Member
First Comment Fifth Anniversary
The most recent firmware update seems to have bricked my three Multy devices.
The moment I switch a Multy X to bridge mode, it cannot be configured any further.
I've been able to locate firmware downloads.
How can I install these?

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,337  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @w8rn8r

    When changing the mode to Bridge mode, it disable Parental Control, UPnP, Reserve IP, Port Forwarding, and DMZ.

    Multy X latest firmware is V2.20(ABKJ.6)C0.
    What is the current firmware version on your device?
  • w8rn8r
    w8rn8r Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary
    As you can see from my other comment (app can't connect), I am currently unable to retrieve that information from any of my three devices.
    The trouble started after a recent firmware update. Initially, my site and its devices could still be found, but switching to bridge mode would consistently (every time I tried) first show success, but when entering that config screen again, it would report NAT mode, i.e. no success.
    I have gone thru several attempts at re-setting the devices and starting from scratch. Things just got worse. Now, there's one device that's still offering the "correct" WiFi, but the other devices can't be configured any more.
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,337  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @w8rn8r

    May I know what is the account you use to log in on your Multy APP?
    You can send me in private message.

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