NSA310 - External Drive Size limit??

Hi Folks
Just upgraded my NSA310 with a new drive, and was going to use the old one as a eSATA drive. 
But it does not want to see it, tried creating it as NTFS and it says failed. The drive is being seen as I can see it with the SMART as it is listed (and front light says connected), but unable to create a volume etc. (I also formatted it on my PC and then plugged it in but that also did not get seen)
Its a 4TB drive (which worked fine internally) - is their a limit on external drive size??
I did mange to get it starting to format as a ext3 but it hung on 99%.


All Replies

  • Dexter
    Dexter Posts: 108  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Do not know how big size your external hard drive is, but if you're using large disk, the disk need to have its own power supply.
  • Tubes
    Tubes Posts: 2
    As I said its a 4Tb drive - if you mean what physical size its a 3.5 inch drive and has a power supply. Works fine when attached to computer (esata or USB), and inside NAS, just not as an external drive.  Works with no problems if I use a 2TB drive instead.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,814  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    As far as I know there should be no other limitation than for the intern disk. When I remember well the 310 supports raid1 combining the internal and external disk.

    Do you have shell access? Can you plugin the disk and than post the output of

    cat /proc/partitions
    fdisk -l

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