NAS540 hardware failure, restore process in new unit

The NAS540 won't power on anymore, we have replaced the power supply and it is still broke. Support indicated that means a hardware failure within the unit and to "copy" everything to another drive.

I have 4 4tb drives in raid 5 in the old unit.

What is the process to move the drives from the old unit to the new nas540 unit I've purchased without buying 12tb worth of temporary storage?


All Replies

  • Dexter
    Dexter Posts: 108  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    edited January 2022
    Looks like you would like to copy the data from 4 4tb disk using raid 5 to one 12tb disk.
    However the old NAS 540 is not workable.I think is not possible to do that.
    If you do have a backup, you can upload to the cloud storage, and using new disk and download data back.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Am I missing something? Why can't you just put the disks from the old unit in the new one?
  • Support told me I would need to copy all data from old unit to spare hard drives.

    In both the old unit and the new unit, the unit powers up just fine with 3 drives, but not 4.
    I'm just trying to get running again.

    On old unit, with drives 1-3 in system, it powers up, beeps to indicate the raid array is degraded.

    New unit, same thing with old hard drives.

    I can open and browse the drive with the 3 hard drives.

    When the 4th hard drive is put into old or new unit the Nas 540 refuses to power up.

    Support wasn't very helpful debugging what went wrong here.
    Since the unit won't power on with the 4th hard drive engaged, can I assume that drive is bad and I need to order a new one and do a repair array?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Is any 4th disk a problem, or a particular one? In the latter case I think nothing is wrong with your 'old nas', only with that disk, which probably draws that much current that the powersupply can't handle it.
    All you have to do is plugging in a new empty disk which is at least the same size as the dead one, and initiate a rebuild (repair? I'm not good in raid terminology) in the webinterface. The box will add the 4th disk to the degraded array, and recalculate checksums.

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