NWA210AX and client deauth by Configuration Changed

Posts: 8
First Comment First Anniversary
edited November 2023 in Nebula
Hi, I'm experiencing this issue where one of my WiFi clients will periodically get deauthed and then re-associate and keep doing this every few minutes. The message in the log is:

Station: 18:26:49:9f:82:b5 has deauth by Configuration Changed on Channel: 161, SSID: Yggdrasil 5Ghz, 5GHz, Signal: -70dBm, Download/Upload: 0/0 Bytes. reason 3, Interface:wlan-2-2

What is this "Configuration Changed" exactly? The client is a desktop with an Intel AX200 wireless adapter, so it's not moving around at all. Signal strength is steady around -69dBm.


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All Replies

  • Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers Friend Collector

    Hi Nate,


    May you enable zyxel support for us to check,



    You may tell us the organization and site name through message.

    Thank you for raising question here.



  • Posts: 8
    First Comment First Anniversary
    Right now my APs are not connected to Nebula, they're being managed locally. I have captured diagnostic logs from both of them. Is there a way I can get them to you?
  • Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers Friend Collector
    Hi @Nate ,

    you can send to us through message.
    Thank you.

  • Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers Friend Collector

    Hi @Nate ,


    After analyzed the diagnostic file,

    We suggest you to use fixed channel for WDS (smart mesh) connect,

    And we scan your environment, we recommend channel 153 or157.

    We also find your setting:

    Station Signal Threshold: -60dBm

    Disassociate Station Threshold: -66dBm

    And your WDS signal is about -65dbm, we think this cause WDS disconnected.


    We would suggest you edit 5G radio profile advanced setting, and adjust

    Station Signal Threshold: -82dBm

    Disassociate Station Threshold: -88dBm


    After you adjust your setting, please observe for few days.

    Thank you.



  • Posts: 8
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    While I had adjusted the signal and station thresholds and in the past  experimented with them, I did not have "Enable Signal Threshold" checked off so they shouldn't have been applying. Just to be safe though, I adjusted the thresholds anyway while still leaving that feature disabled. I also manually set the channels as you suggested, and I noticed improved WiFi stability, but not 100%. I decided to restructure my network, moving my firewall, switch, and NAS into my home office so I could have more of my core equipment on a wired connection and not wireless since the NWA210AX have not been totally reliable.

    I just performed a test: perform a file copy of two 10GB files from a wired workstation to a wireless workstation. The copy went about 75% and then the 
    NWA210AX the file was being transferred through started dropping wireless clients offline. For instance, my daughter was streaming a TV show from Disney+ through a Roku and the Roku not only lost it's WiFi connection, but the NWA210AX refused to allow the Roku to reconnect. I even stopped the file transfer, rebooted the Roku, and the NWA210AX still would not let it on the WiFi. I then rebooted the NWA210AX and the Roku connected no problem. I have captured the diagnostic logs and will send them to you.
  • Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers

    Hi @Nate


    If you transfer the file and streaming the video at same time, both jobs in the same channel. AP will take time to process the traffic but won’t disconnect the client in normal case.

    We’ll help to check what logs said in the diagnostic file and what caused disconnection.

    Thank you





  • Posts: 8
    First Comment First Anniversary
    Thanks, logs sent.
  • Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers
    edited March 2022

    Hi @Nate

    Got it. We’ll check the diagnostic first. 

    If the NWA210AX is still managed by Nebula, could you please enable the Zyxel support at Help > Support request > Invite Zyxel support as administrator, save the changes and provide the Org and Site name, thank you.




  • Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers

    Hi @Nate


    We’ve done the investigation for your reference.


    From the logs, we found the behavior of the device that you provided mac address always fails the WPA handshake at first step as below then the device doesn’t response AP anymore.

    wlan-2-2: STA <mac address> WPA: sending 1/4 msg of 4-Way Handshake


    Most common cases are the password is incorrect or somehow the packets lost in the air and the security method is not compatible between AP and device. We suggest you could create an SSID with open security to compare the result


    Thanks for your feedback. Please feel free to let us know if we could help more on your case. Thank you






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