NAS542 Bricked - boot loop

jarok Posts: 5
edited February 2022 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hi, I was tempted to upload a new image from debian from after uploading to the SD card debian-nas-bullseye-21.214-armhf.img.gz the system started correctly. In the next step I did a kernel upgrade to and unfortunately it did not work properly. As recommended before rebooting,
I ran the rollback routine sudo / firmware / sbin / info_setenv next_bootfrom 1 Errors have occurred and the NAS has restarted.
He has fallen into a noose since then and I cannot save him. I tried:
- universal_usb_key_func-2015-10-12
- NAS540_521AATB3C0_Upgradekey
- I connected the serial port but the kosola only shows "bushes" and the NAS restarts.

I am asking you for help and suggestions.


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    - I connected the serial port but the kosola only shows "bushes" and the NAS restarts.

    Wrong baudrate/parity (should be 115200 n 8 1), bad contact, or wrong adapter. (should be 3.3V TTL)

  • jarok
    jarok Posts: 5
    Hi Mijzelf,

    I thought so too because it looks like transmission errors but I checked the adapter on the ferguson fbox atv and it reads correctly.
    The same cable worked a long time ago on NAS325. I have the port set to 115200 n 8 1 (parity-none flow control-none), tested for windows and linux machine and the same effect.
    I have two cables: RS232 <--> COM port and USB <--> COM (PL2303)
    I have only TX RX and GND connected (without VCC 3.3v).

    I thought to upload a new uboot using kwboot, but I don't have files for this NAS542.


  • jarok
    jarok Posts: 5

    However, I changed the USB / TTL from PL2303 to CP2102 and it's beautiful.
    The logs show that it cannot load:

    Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
    booting kernel of type uimage from /dev/
        Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC
    booting kernel of type uimage from /dev/
    ERROR: out of memory

    I am also worried about: Board: Mindspeed C2000
    and a very old barebox 2011.06.0-svn44305-dirty6 (Aug 28 2014 - 22:25:22)

    I attach files.
    Now I'm thinking What next?

  • jarok
    jarok Posts: 5
    I was able to start debian by booting the kernel from the console with the parameter -n "bootm -n /dev/"
    Unfortunately, I don't want to start automatically, and every time I boot, I have to break loop from the console and type bootm -n.

    I am still looking for a solution on how to turn both kernels into nand valid.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hm. Somehow my previous post got lost. Anyway, I think that when you change 'next_bootfrom=2' in 'next_bootfrom=1', it will default to kernel1.

  • jarok
    jarok Posts: 5

    Before reading your post I turned it into an env:
    # boot partition
    next_bootfrom = "2"
    curr_bootfrom = "1"
    and everything worked fine.

    Then I did a trick and made a kernel update from the previously working system on the SD card. Thanks to this, I now have two working kernels in NAND. (nand0.kernel1 and nand0.kernel2). Currently I have curr_bootfrom = "2".

    Little note: "Most even professional devices have duplicate boot systems. In our case, there are two kernels and rootfs in different memory areas. This is a security measure, if the modification did not work, you can roll back, as long as you don't panic and do it correctly. "

    Maybe someone will find it useful to know:
    In NAS540-542, after connecting the console via RS232 / TTL and turning on the power, we will see the bootloader start.
    We can stop it "Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3 sec"
    And see or edit env config with edit /env/config    (we exit with CTRL + D)

    Thank you Mijzelf for Your support.


  • greenwitch
    greenwitch Posts: 7  Freshman Member
    First Comment Third Anniversary
    edited February 2023
    This kernel is not working. You need to go back to x.96
    Been there. There is bootlader with busy box available with console cable. You will need to manually upgrade kernel

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