Full Hard Drives

I have a NAS540 that I'm using as a video server. Over the past several years I've expanded the drives so I now have 4x3TB drives formatted to JBOD which are now at 90% full.

I've bought a 16TB drive but can't find a way of copying all the files and then just inserting that into the NAS to use.

Firstly I've had the 16TB drive connected to the USB on the back, formatted it and could see it then used the copy function to copy all the files across, this took 2 days and when I inserted it into the NAS it wanted to format it.

Secondly I formatted it in the NAS then put it onto the USB port and that didn't work, it showed up a 3 drives and an unsupported alert.

Is it possible to do what I want and if so how?


All Replies

  • Pixel
    Pixel Posts: 17  Freshman Member
    Second Anniversary
    You can use the backup planner on the NAS to back up your files and create a new volume on the new disk and restore the backup files back to the new volume.
    Here is the reference topic

  • db64
    db64 Posts: 4
    I don't quite understand and the link provided is all about incremental backups and archiving which is sort of not what I want to do.

    As I said, I just need to copy everything from the internals to the new bigger drive then take those out and insert the new 16TB and eventually add to that with other 16TB drives.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Can you enable the ssh server, login over ssh, and post the output of
    fdisk -l
    when the USB disk is connected? It is possible that there is a fundamental problem with sector translation in the USB to sata converter.
  • db64
    db64 Posts: 4
    With the help of others I've managed to sort it although let me know if there is a better way.
    Basically drives in the NAS are EXT4 formatted and discs on the usb are NTFS formatted so neither will work if I swapped them around.
    My only work around which means buying another 16TB drive and will take a few days is to copy all the files to an external 16TB disc, take out the 4x 3TB discs and replace it with another 16TB disc, format that and copy all the files back again.
    Bit of a pain but its the only way I can figure to do it especially as I'm Mac based.

  • db64
    db64 Posts: 4
    Here's an update to the woes of my hard drive updates.
    Bought another HD and copied each folder across, Music, Video, TV Show, Music Video.
    All present and correct and working when copied.
    When copying back to the new internal drive I thought I was copying one folder but instead it did the whole lot over 11/2 days and then I couldn't move them around or put the files in different folders without a 500 error message.
    My only other option was to drag and drop the folders. Now bearing in mind the external HD is connected to the back of the NAS its taken 3 days to move 3 folders so I expect the Video folder which is the biggest to take 4 days.
    This has been so painful, perhaps my lack of knowledge was a problem  :D
    Any how once its done it'll be empty for more HD although knowing my luck it'll blow up next week!!!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    When you drag&drop the folders, you'd better connect the external disk to your PC/laptop. Now you are basically downloading the content of the external disk over network, and upload it again to the internal disk, as the 'core' of the drag&drop happens in your PC/laptop.

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