How do I set up my Nas326 ?

This is my first time with a NAS, I'm not a beginner at computers, just the NAS.
I have two disks in my NAS one at 2TB and one at 4TB and I would like them to be accessible as different disks with drive letters or names, but I would like to use them as any disk on any server create my own folders and such.
And how do I get rid of these music, video and photo folders or change there names ?
Is disabling the share on those folders, the only way to do it ?
What is the purpose of the admin folder ?
Below is how it ended after my setup try.

Thanks in advance


All Replies

  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
    I think there is no way to delete the default file of the volume (admin, video,music, photo)
    And if you would like to create a file that bases on a different disk.
    You can go to sharefolders to create a file.

  • Morgan69
    Morgan69 Posts: 7
    edited June 2022
    Or you can reach your NAS by typing in the assigned IP address of the NAS. You can now log in using the standard login data (User: admin; Password: 1234). The NAS will ask you to change the password for security reasons.

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