Why can't I access my NAS326?

Oscwo Posts: 36  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
I bought a used NAS326 a few days ago and the first time I tried to access it via the browser there was no issue. The second time I had to restart it once to be able to access it. 

Now I can't access it at all despite numeral restarts of the the device. There does not seem to be any issues with my Wifi/network. 

What could be the issue here?

All Replies

  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
    edited June 2022
    Try to check what is the IP address on the DHCP table of the NAS from the router above.
    And try to access the NAS with the IP address on the dhcp table.
  • ariek
    ariek Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    Log on to your router and check if the NAS is connected and assign a static IP address to the NAS.
    The router should have a "DHCP Reservation" section. Add the MAC address of the NAS there and assign a IP address to it.
    From now on the NAS should be reachable using the assiged IP address.
    Might require a power cycle of the router and or NAS

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