Help With getting higher than SMB1 on nsa320

mdbarber Posts: 19  Freshman Member
First Comment Fourth Anniversary

I believe this can be done with the metarepository which i installed a few years back and is listed as installed in the pkg page but it will not connect to provide an updated list of pks @ "h***://"  which i have set in the config page.
I think the problem is the path of the zpkg file directory but am not sure, the current path where they reside is
I cannot get access to telnet or ssh via putty and suspect i installed a firmware update to cure a problem AFTER installing MetaRepo and that may have locked me out, but again, it's been a while
Anyone help here please?

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    If MetaRepository is running, there should be a files \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\web_prefix, containing http://localhost:<some_port>/. If that file isn't there, restarting of MR might help.
    If MR is running, and updating the package list doesn't work, there should be some logfile
    \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\zypkgs.log (that is not the exact name, can't remember it), which might tell what is going wrong.

  • mdbarber
    mdbarber Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    Hi ty for the response,
    yes the web_prefix file is there and as you described
     i did notice in some experimentation that metarepos re-creates it as that when it starts if the file is altered or missing.
    The log file says it has failed to download a tmp file but as i  am not sure of the logging snytax and not used linux for a long time i can't spot any obvious errors sorry., so i shall put it here
    ReadConfig Repositories
        Start of block
        End of block
    9 start: 17:49:45
    9: FetchZYPKG_INFO 9
    9: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    9: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/https___zyxel.diskstation.eu_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_NSA320_4.70_zypkg_.tmp failed

    9: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/https___zyxel.diskstation.eu_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_NSA320_4.70_zypkg_.tmp failed
    9: Failed
    9 stop: 17:49:46
    Nothing changed
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA320/4.70/zypkg/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded

    could it possibly be because i have changed the volume label of the array?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hm. Try http instead of https. Probably the old curl fails in doing a TLS handshake with a modern server.

    BTW, that repo only contains the latest version of MR. For the 3th party repository you should use
    and for the mirror of ZyXEL packages (ZyXEL has switched off their repo server)

  • mdbarber
    mdbarber Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    edited July 2022
    Mijzelf said:
    Hm. Try http instead of https. Probably the old curl fails in doing a TLS handshake with a modern server.

    BTW, that repo only contains the latest version of MR. For the 3th party repository you should use
    and for the mirror of ZyXEL packages (ZyXEL has switched off their repo server)

    many thanks for help, i had tried the https in my experimentation but had already removed that.
    Hi think i have traced it to some idiot appending a + symbol to the end of the url for the repository:blush: , removed that and i am now getting a listing that includes the entware package
    from reading another thread i got the impression that entware was required is there much to do after that and is there a dummies step by step any where?
    again thanks, really can't afford a new nas atm lol

    first step fail lol
    no "zyxel-samba-replacement" (as described in another thread) in that repo but there is samba36 server pack, any experience with this?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Here is a thread with step-by-step instructions.

    no "zyxel-samba-replacement" (as described in another thread) in that repo but there is samba36 server pack, any experience with this?
    zyxel-samba-replacement is just a script which 'injects' the Entware samba server in the firmware. So samba26 is installed automatically.
    If zyxel-samba-replacement really doesn't show up for you, you can download it here and install it manually. (Or look in /opt/etc/opkg/feeds.conf(?) why is doesn't include

  • mdbarber
    mdbarber Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    edited July 2022
    Mijzelf said:
    Here is a thread with step-by-step instructions.

    no "zyxel-samba-replacement" (as described in another thread) in that repo but there is samba36 server pack, any experience with this?
    zyxel-samba-replacement is just a script which 'injects' the Entware samba server in the firmware. So samba26 is installed automatically.
    If zyxel-samba-replacement really doesn't show up for you, you can download it here and install it manually. (Or look in /opt/etc/opkg/feeds.conf(?) why is doesn't include

    ah got you now, thought it was a package, i am a dumbass :0
    ran thru those instructions and only issue i got was the following error on the last command,

    mv: can't rename '/opt/var/lock/*': No such file or directory

    should i be worried about this? do i need to create that manually?
    there is a lock directory in that path so not sure why it's falling over.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
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    The start script contains

    # Move /opt/var/lock to ramdrive, else the maintenance of browse.dat will keep the disk awake
            if [ ! -h /opt/var/lock ]
                mv /opt/var/lock/* /var/lock/
                rmdir /opt/var/lock && ln -s /var/lock /opt/var/lock

    So it checks if /opt/var/lock is a symlink, if not, it moves the content to /var/lock, and creates the symlink to /var/lock.
    In your case /opt/var/lock didn't exist, or was empty, causing mv to fail. But the creation of the symlink succeeded, so everything is fine now.
  • mdbarber
    mdbarber Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    Mijzelf said:
    The start script contains

    # Move /opt/var/lock to ramdrive, else the maintenance of browse.dat will keep the disk awake
            if [ ! -h /opt/var/lock ]
                mv /opt/var/lock/* /var/lock/
                rmdir /opt/var/lock && ln -s /var/lock /opt/var/lock

    So it checks if /opt/var/lock is a symlink, if not, it moves the content to /var/lock, and creates the symlink to /var/lock.
    In your case /opt/var/lock didn't exist, or was empty, causing mv to fail. But the creation of the symlink succeeded, so everything is fine now.
    hi, thanks for that but been hit by a side effect,
    the drives do not appear to be powering down which i believe is the purpose of this^, yet the drives power control was working fine prior, not sure if related to finishing the metarepo setup or the smb3 install.
    I have checked it is enabled in the web interface and is set to 30mins to power down drives but even well after this time they are still spinning?

    All appears in good order otherwise so would be a shame to get knobbled by this..

    cd /opt/var/lock redirects the ssh to /var/lock so it looks like the symlink is working as intended?
    and browse.dat is there but hasn't been modified in 12hrs.

    any ideas please?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    any ideas please?

    The package 'Tweaks' has a function 'Disk Monitor' which is meant to find out what keeps your disk(s) awake.

  • mdbarber
    mdbarber Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    Mijzelf said:
    any ideas please?

    The package 'Tweaks' has a function 'Disk Monitor' which is meant to find out what keeps your disk(s) awake.

    ty, will try that now!

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