NAS326 V5.21(AAZF.11)

Hello, since the new Firmware the mysql Service is not starting anymore:
Enable package "PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin" failed.
Does anyone has an idea?

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,827  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Are you a bit comfortable with the command line? Login over ssh and try to start it manually. It might spawn a usable error message.
    You can find the package in /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/
    The startscript is somewhere in subdirectory etc, I think etc/init.d/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin.
    /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/etc/init.d/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin startup
    If it doesn't show a usable error. you can try 'debug mode':
    sh -x /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/etc/init.d/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin startup

  • Hello Mijzelf,

    i tried the debug mode. it shows following result:

    /i-data/2824f7ff$ sh -x /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/etc/init.d/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin startup
    + PKGSTATUSFILE=/etc/zyxel/pkg_conf/status
    + + sed s/ //g
    sed s/\/$//g
    + awk -F: {print $2}
    + grep Installed-Rule
    + grep PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin /etc/zyxel/pkg_conf/status
    + PKGVOLPATH=/i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin
    + PKGLIBPATH=/i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/lib
    + PHPCONTROLFILE=/i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/zypkg_conf/info/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin.control
    + IFCONFIG=/sbin/ifconfig
    + INTERFACEA=egiga0
    + INTERFACEB=egiga1
    + STATUSFILE=/i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/config/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin
    + HTTPCONFPATH=/etc/pkg_service_conf/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin.conf
    + TMPCONFPATH=/etc/pkg_service_conf/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin.conf.bak
    + KEYWORD=phpmyadmin
    + SQLPATH=/i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/mysql
    + NICE_VALUE=20
    + HTTPD_TMP=/tmp/httpd_conf.bak
    + PLAYZONE=yes
    + PKGCONFIG=/etc/pkg_service_conf/httpd2.conf
    + CHKMD5SUMLIST=/i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/config/checklist
    + PHPSOPATH=PHPIniDir /i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/php
    + PHPINI=LoadModule php5_module /i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/lib/
    + [ startup == getlink ]
    + [ startup == enable ]
    + [ startup == disable ]
    + [ startup == shutdown ]
    + [ startup == status ]
    + [ startup == startup ]
    + sqlite3 /etc/zyxel/upnp.db SELECT COUNT(*) FROM upnpInfo WHERE service='PHP-MYSQL-PHPMYADMIN_HTTP'
    + [ 0 == 1 ]
    + NICE_VALUE=17
    + mount --bind /i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/mysql /usr/local/mysql
    + cat /i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/config/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin
    + STATUS=Disabled
    + [ Disabled == Enabled ]
    + disable
    + [ xyes == xyes ]
    + echo phpmyadmin
    + echo RewriteRule "(?i)/pkg/phpmyadmin" "/zyxel/disable.html" [R=301]
    + mv /etc/pkg_service_conf/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin.conf.bak /etc/pkg_service_conf/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin.conf
    + + sed s/^DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php$/DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm/
    sed s/^PHPIniDir /#PHPIniDir /
    + sed s/^AddType application\/x-httpd-php /#AddType application\/x-httpd-php /
    + sed s/^LoadModule[ ]php5_module/#LoadModule php5_module/ /etc/pkg_service_conf/httpd2.conf
    + mv /etc/pkg_service_conf/httpd2.conf.bak /etc/pkg_service_conf/httpd2.conf
    + grep phpmyadmin
    + cat /etc/pkg_service_conf/httpd2.conf
    + RESULT=AuthZyxelSkipPattern /phpmyadmin /webdav /favicon.ico /desktop,/cgi-bin/weblogin.cgi /desktop,/cgi-bin/file_download.cgi /desktop,/cgi-bin/dlnotify /desktop,/disable.html /desktop,/login.html /desktop,/ext/ /desktop,/css/ /desktop,/images/ /desktop,/loginwrap.html /desktop,/css/ /desktop,/dojo/ /desktop,/res/ /desktop,/js/ /desktop,/login.html /MyWeb/ /register_main/setCookie /playzone,/mobile_login.html /playzone,/mobile/sencha/ /playzone,/mobile/images/ /playzone,/images/
    + [ AuthZyxelSkipPattern /phpmyadmin /webdav /favicon.ico /desktop,/cgi-bin/weblogin.cgi /desktop,/cgi-bin/file_download.cgi /desktop,/cgi-bin/dlnotify /desktop,/disable.html /desktop,/login.html /desktop,/ext/ /desktop,/css/ /desktop,/images/ /desktop,/loginwrap.html /desktop,/css/ /desktop,/dojo/ /desktop,/res/ /desktop,/js/ /desktop,/login.html /MyWeb/ /register_main/setCookie /playzone,/mobile_login.html /playzone,/mobile/sencha/ /playzone,/mobile/images/ /playzone,/images/ ==  ]
    + touch /tmp/restart_httpd
    + exit 0

    Can you find the problem?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,827  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    + cat /i-data/2824f7ff/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/config/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin
    + STATUS=Disabled
    + [ Disabled == Enabled ]
    + disable

    looks like the package isn't enabled. You can edit that file, or try to let the script do it:
    /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin/etc/init.d/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin enable

  • i tried the script. but the error is the same. Also in webgui i still cannot enable the service
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,318  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @ctggladiator

    Sorry for the inconvenience. 
    Currently, we're working on this issue and will update you here.

  • dHeinz
    dHeinz Posts: 2
    What a mess! Please repair phpmyadmin and sql database abilty ASAP. At the moment, my NAS326 is nearly useless without this.
  • dHeinz said:
    What a mess! Please repair phpmyadmin and sql database abilty ASAP. At the moment, my NAS326 is nearly useless without this.
    Same situation, please fix it ASAP. As a workaround, is it possible to downgrade the firmware manually? 
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,827  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
      As a workaround, is it possible to downgrade the firmware manually? 
    Yes. Download an older firmware here: (as all major browser makers dropped support for ftp, you'll probably need an ftp client like filezilla), then login over ssh and execute
    echo 1 > /firmware/mnt/info/revision
    Then you can downgrade by uploading a firmware file in the webinterface. (A .bin file).

  • Mijzelf said:
      As a workaround, is it possible to downgrade the firmware manually? 
    Yes. Download an older firmware here: (as all major browser makers dropped support for ftp, you'll probably need an ftp client like filezilla), then login over ssh and execute
    echo 1 > /firmware/mnt/info/revision
    Then you can downgrade by uploading a firmware file in the webinterface. (A .bin file).

    Thanks for responding. But it is unfortunately not working for me. I downloaded '521AAZF10C0.bin' which is the version prior to the latest one (which worked just fine) and the webinterface responds with "The NAS firmware cannot be downgraded, please select a newer version of binary (BIN) upgrade file from your computer." Do I need a seperate/different file? 
  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
    You have to enter the command, "echo 1 > /firmware/mnt/info/revision" using SSH
    then you can upgrade the firmware.

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