[Release Note] Nebula Control Center - Phase 15.0.1 software Release!

Zyxel_CSO Posts: 447  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary
edited August 2022 in Nebula CC New Release

Zyxel Nebula Control Center Release Note

Common NCC (Organization, Site-wide …etc.) enhancements:

  1. For the features that require licenses, Tooltips for feature and Carousel for license are added to provide more information for Nebula administrators.
  2. To support customer information transparency and streamline the process of device on-boarding stage, firmware upgrade option is added when running setup wizard or when adding new devices into the inventory.
  3. Firmware management is evolved to have multiple firmware tracks. Also, Admin can choose Ignore upgrade to manage the device downtime. UI is enhanced to provide comprehensive information to help Admin manage firmware upgrade.

    Note: Zyxel reserves the rights to upgrade device firmware if the older firmware will jeopardizes, including but not limited to, the security or the integrity of services the device and NCC designed to perform. Admin will be informed in advance if such a situation occurs.


Wireless LAN (WLAN) enhancements:

  1. The event logs of STA activities are improved to provide clear information.

Switching enhancements:

  1. Added Err-disable recovery function to control the Loop Guard recovery time.
  2. Management VLAN Control is relocated. Now it is configured from Switch Ports that follows the same logic for port settings.

    Special note: XS1930 series new firmware patch with better overheat protection has just been released, by adjusting 10G Ethernet port parameter for better system stability. We recommend those who have this product to perform or schedule firmware upgrade at your earliest convenience.


Security Appliance enhancements:

  1. Added log setting to Security Policy rules.


Mobile Router enhancements:


Zyxel Nebula Support