Nas520 firmware


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    It could. The firmware updater checks for the model, and this command seems to change the model tag. On a 325 it worked to change it to install 325v2 firmware, and on some rebranded 310 you could install 310 firmware. But AFAIK nobody has tried it on a 520, nor did anybody try if the 542 firmware freaks out when it detects only 2 sata ports (which is AFAIK the only difference between a 520 and a 542). That is not very likely, but you can't exclude it.
  • Any way to rollback to the 520 firmware in case the 542 freaks out :) ? I have managed to find online a copy of the firmware I have now on, despite the fact Zyxel completely delete all files for NAS520 from their FTP
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Yes. But depending on the severity of the outfreaking you might need serial access. If it's only some cosmetic problem you can revert the way you installed the 542 firmware. If it causes a kernel panic you'll have to provide a 520 kernel using TFTP and serial. If the box boots, but there is no webinterface, you're in between and can use ssh and a RescueStick to revert.

  • vinprom
    vinprom Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    And in the end the result is zero?! Couldn't someone from support be found to update this NAS server? Why did you delete it completely (are you ashamed of your products)? Don't have the money to pay that support guy? Not to mention that the apps in your web app center were also of such old versions even when this NAS server was supported. Complete indolence and amateurism!

    However, when we pay for your products, you are satisfied, right?

    That's how you lose customers!

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