Zyxel Samba Replacement - Print Server

I had to update samba on my nas to be able to use it with windows 10 so, I've installed MetaRepository and Entware-ng on my NSA310.
The samba update went well it is working again, but I've noticed that the Print Server is not working anymore.
Anyone managed to get print server working on the entware-ng samba replacement?
Is the problem in the CUPS or Samba itself? Any chances to get it fixed?
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. 

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I'm afraid this is out of my knowledge zone. I *think* Samba talks to CUPS using a unix socket. I can imagine the old CUPS and the new Samba are not compatible on this level. So you can try to install Entware-ng CUPS and kill the firmware one. I have no idea how to configure that, but for low level configuration the Arch Linux wiki is often a great help.
  • From what I can see is that the firmware cups version is 1.1.23, the Entware-ng cups version is 2.2.6, but when I'm trying to install entware-ng cups I'm getting:
    ~ # opkg install cups
    Package cups (2.2.6-1) installed in root is up to date.

    on the other hand cups config showing v1.1.23:
    # cups-config --version

    anyone tried the Cups from entware-ng at all?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    'which cups-config' will tell you which binary is invoked. I suppose it's the firmware one. Both the firmware and Entware-ng cups are in the PATH, if you want a particular one, you have to specify the full path.
    Do you have a cups startscript in /opt/etc/init.d/?
    anyone tried the Cups from entware-ng at all?
    I don't know. But Entware-ng is based on the OpenWrt packages, and in the OpenWrt forum you can read people are using cups.

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