LTE7490-M904 No Internet Connection via WIFI

nevs Posts: 12
First Comment Friend Collector
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband

UK LTE7490-M904.

Internet via 4G works fine if ethernet direct to PC.

If via 2.4ghz wifi network, no internet, but able to see admin panel etc.

DHCP seems to be setup ok, and I cant see any reason why internet shouldnt be enabled for wireless clients.

Any reason why it doesnt work?

(internet blocking for the wifi client is disabled)
(DHCP is set up ok, I have even tried static IP address for client, still doesnt work)
(rebooted both devices, still doesnt work)

Is this a firmware issue? I updated to the lastest Oct-22 release.

Does anyone have this unit whereby you can access internet via wireless client?

Thank you.

All Replies

  • Bogart
    Bogart Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Seems a common problem to which there appear to be no answers.

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