[Nebula] How to set up Load Balance on Nebula?

Zyxel_HsinBo Posts: 416  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch
edited June 2023 in AP & Port setting

What is Load Balance? How could it work?


To avoid big amount of client connect to the same AP bring high loading and cause impact (The wireless performance decreases if the loading of AP is too heavy, the more clients connecting to the same AP, the less bandwidth each device can get), load balance feature setup help to make client connect to other nearby APs to spilt the loading equally.



Who/When will need to setup Load Balance?


We would recommend set up Load Balance in high AP density deployment scenario. Since high density deployment, clients could receive wireless good signals also from other APs in the environment, Load balance could balance APs loading in environment since client could connect to other nearby APs with good signal smoothly even after being kicked out by Load Balance.


For low AP density deployment scenario, we would not recommend set up load balance since weak signal client usually cannot access other AP in this scenario. Once Load balance is activated, the clients with weak signal will be high probably kick-out and suffer connectivity issue.


For example, please see picture below, in a high AP density deployment scenario, most of them connect to AP 2 even the signal to other APs are also well enough, User can setup load balance kick out idle client / weakest signal clients on AP 2 to balance the loading of AP in environment.

Where to set up Load Balance?


User can configure Load Balance settings from the path below on Nebula:


          Configure >> Access point >> AP & port settings >> Load Balance


There are two Load Balance modes setup provide for user on Nebula, and the feature is “Disabled” by default.


1.      By client device number mode        

Select Disassociate client device when overload to disassociate wireless clients connected to the AP when it becomes overloaded. The disassociation priority is the client with longest idle time then shift to client with weak signal strength.


Disassociate client device when overloaded:

Select ON to disassociate WiFi clients connected to the Nebula Device when it becomes overloaded.

Select OFF to disable this option, then the Nebula Device simply delays the connection until it can afford the bandwidth it requires, or it transfers the connection to another Nebula Device within its broadcast radius.

The disassociation priority is determined automatically by the Nebula Device and is as follows:

Idle Time: Devices that have been idle the longest will be disassociated first. If none of the connected devices are idle, then the priority shifts to Signal Strength.

Signal Strength: Devices with the weakest signal strength will be disassociated first.


Note: AP delays sending response, authentication and probe request to disassociated stations up to 3 times. Disassociated station is allowed to reconnect by receiving 3 times of delayed response. Reconnected station will no longer be disassociated



2.      Smart Classroom mode

The AP kicks excessive clients instantly and ignores response, authentication and probe request packets from any client device when the maximum number of client devices is reached. Disassociate client device when overload is default enabled and disassociation priority is always signal strength.

*The Disassociate client device when overloaded function is enabled by default and the disassociation priority is always Signal Strength when you select this option.


Note: AP auto-detects if there are other APs that can provide service and will always allow client connection if no other AP is available.


*By client device number mode is recommended for general use.

*Smart Classroom mode is recommended for E-learning only.


Both 2 mode need to configure the threshold number of client devices at which AP begins load balancing its connections, load balance will be triggered once the connection number reach the threshold.



What’s the difference between “By client device number” mode and “Smart Classroom” mode?

Zyxel Nebula Support