NAS326 access problem due to services stopping automatically

Hi everyone.

I have a NAS326 with the most recent updates. It is on a small home network with a static ip. I have setup https and webdav access and all run nicely when they do and I am able to access the web gui, files etc from the WAN with no problems. However, these services automatically stop at random intervals, usually once or twice a week, making the NAS inaccessible from the WAN. What I have to do to start these services is to connect to the NAS from the LAN (192.X.X.X), go to the UPnP configuration page and restart the services. The router remains accessible when NAS is not.

Any ideas on what may be wrong? I can provide more info once I go back home because it is again inaccessible today :-( . This is pretty frustrating as the NAS becomes just a backup drive without WAN access.

Many thanks.

Accepted Solution

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    AFAIK uPnP is a one-shot. The uPnP supporting router makes himeself known in the LAN by broadcast(s), and a client can politely ask to setup a portforward for it. From that moment the client doesn't have to do anything to keep that port open.

    When the router reboots, or resets it's network configuration, the client doesn't know that, and doesn't re-ask the port forwards.

    [quote](meaning they get greyed out in the UPnP configuration page)[/quote]

    That's a part I don't understand. So somehow the client knows there is something going on upstream. Maybe the router sends an uPnP broadcast that connection to internet was lost? But in that case you'd expect that the router would also tell when things are back to normal.

    Personally I never use uPnP. It is not safe. When a NAS can request a port forward, malware can do the same, so I disabled it in my router. When your NAS has a fixed IP, you'd better setup the portforwards in the router, instead of in the NAS.

All Replies

  • okimarukas
    okimarukas Posts: 92  Ally Member
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    Do you have a router above the NAS? If you do not have a router above NAS, it would not be safety.
    If you have a router above NAS, you can set NAT for the device to access the service from WAN. 
  • ABNas
    ABNas Posts: 7
    First Comment
    Hi Okimarukas. I do have a router and a NAT. My LAN has static IPs. I do port forwarding. Like I said, the services work for a while and I have WAN access but then they turn themselves off (meaning they get greyed out in the UPnP configuration page). Since https is off, I cannot access the NAS from WAN. I can only connect to it from the LAN and turn these services back on.
  • okimarukas
    okimarukas Posts: 92  Ally Member
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    To check if the services are suddenly shutdown on NAS, if you're nearby your NAS, you can try ssh and type command ps or top and check while the services are working normally and also check the services after the issue happens, if the services are all still alive on the NAS, I do not think the problem is caused by services down on the NAS.
    Please turn off the ssh service on NAS if you're not going to use it.
  • ABNas
    ABNas Posts: 7
    First Comment
    Hi Okumarukas. This occurs approximately once a week. It occurred again today. I will do your ssh suggestion, however, I have a hunch the problem is internal to the NAS 326, unless it is triggered by a signal sent from the router...
  • ABNas
    ABNas Posts: 7
    First Comment
    Hi again. Problem still continues. The https, webdav services turn off automatically after working for a certain amount of time, usually less than a week. Is there a signal received from the router that would trigger these services to turn off? I am stuck with this and it is very inconvenient for longer times away from home. Once again, the only way to turn these services back on from the PnP configuration page is from the LAN. Anyone here from Zyxel Technical Support???
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,324  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @ABNas

    To clarify the issue, we need to check the status of service on your NAS when the symptom occur.
    I've PM you, please check your message box.
  • This problem is really bugging me. I recently discovered that in the configuration mentioned above, whenever the router above the NAS disconnects from the internet for any reason, NAS326 stops https and webdav services and when the router reconnects to internet, those services stay turned off. What gives? Can we write a NAS326 script that turns these services back on at regular intervals? Thanks.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    AFAIK uPnP is a one-shot. The uPnP supporting router makes himeself known in the LAN by broadcast(s), and a client can politely ask to setup a portforward for it. From that moment the client doesn't have to do anything to keep that port open.

    When the router reboots, or resets it's network configuration, the client doesn't know that, and doesn't re-ask the port forwards.

    [quote](meaning they get greyed out in the UPnP configuration page)[/quote]

    That's a part I don't understand. So somehow the client knows there is something going on upstream. Maybe the router sends an uPnP broadcast that connection to internet was lost? But in that case you'd expect that the router would also tell when things are back to normal.

    Personally I never use uPnP. It is not safe. When a NAS can request a port forward, malware can do the same, so I disabled it in my router. When your NAS has a fixed IP, you'd better setup the portforwards in the router, instead of in the NAS.

  • ABNas
    ABNas Posts: 7
    First Comment

    This is to close this thread! Many thanks Mijzelf and others who have responded. I finally decided that there is a bug either with NAS 326 or the NetMaster Infinity 401 modem UPnP implementation. When the modem disconnects from the net either via a line problem or a reboot, NAS 326 UPnP does not bring back WebDAV, https or any other services. At this point, I am unwilling to pursue a solution since there is a workaround. I turned off UPnP in both and am now using manual port forwarding only. Thanks again.

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