NR7101 set primary band

monstrmprz Posts: 36  Freshman Member
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edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband
Hello, i have NR7101 and in my location the BTS have B7,B3,B1 and B20. I can use this 4 bands in carrier aggregation and the download speed is ~400Mbps. The carrier aggregation uses B1 by default for the primary band, my upload speed reach 25 Mbps maximum. But sometimes the router uses B3 for the primary band with the same CA (B7+B20+B1) and the upload speed is 100-110 Mbps. My question is i can lock the primary band in NR7101 and where? I want to use B7 or B3 if possible. 5G not available in my location yet. ABUV.7 and R11A07. Thanks.

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    SELBERG Posts: 329  Master Member
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    Yes you can, just follow these steps. Values you must know is Physical cell id and RFCN.
    Just add one band in cell lock and that locks your main band.....
    You could do a pci scan first to see your different band in your area.

  • monstrmprz
    monstrmprz Posts: 36  Freshman Member
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    Thanks for the reply Selberg, i tried this, but when i lock the cell, the nr7101 don't use carrier aggregation. I tried with the B7 and B3 with no luck...I don't want the B1 for the primary band, but the NR7101 set that band automatically after one day. The B1,B3 and B7 cellID is same, the B20 is another CellID. The BTS have B28 and B8 too, but the bandwith is 5MHz on these bands, so i don't use them. I don't know why don't have CA when i use cell lock  :'(

    SELBERG Posts: 329  Master Member
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    Do you use PS only or combine? I don´t know if this make sense but it is worth a try.....
    I use combine with my 5g and lock works great for me @ all bands.

  • monstrmprz
    monstrmprz Posts: 36  Freshman Member
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    edited December 2022
    For me preferred technology is auto (no 5G yet) and i using combine by default. I'm still trying.

    SELBERG Posts: 329  Master Member
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    I think you get higher speed with 5*ca, do a testperiod with band auto selection. My 5G 4*ca is slower than 4G 5*ca. Set also Acess Techology to 4G and combine. I got higher speed with B28 added in auto than without. Try it and you will see i am right.🤔🫤🫥😀
  • monstrmprz
    monstrmprz Posts: 36  Freshman Member
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    In Hungary the Yettel network is limiting the CA, you can use max. 4xCA. On my BTS have B1, B3, B7, B8, B20 and B28, but i can use only 4 bands. And the 1,3,7,20 CA is the fastest. =) The speed is very nice even the B1 the primary band, only the upload slow with B1 (25Mbps). Thanks for your help, I still use it that way. And waiting for the n78 5G NSA in my city =)
  • Noddy
    Noddy Posts: 56  Ally Member
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    You could also just disable B1 from the selection.  That would leave just B3, B7 and B20.  That would be one way to stop it from ever being used for your primary connection.  True, it would also mean it can't then be used for the CA but... might be worth testing.
  • monstrmprz
    monstrmprz Posts: 36  Freshman Member
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    Yes, thank you. After i made a factory reset the primary band is remain B3 for couple days. But now i have a bigger problem, the ethernet interface is dies randomly after 1-2 days and i can't reach the router from ethernet. I need to power off and power on the poe. The nr7101 is still working, because i can connect the wifi interface and i can restart the router there, only ethernet died. This is an ABUV.7 bug, because on V.6 i never had this issue...

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