VMG8623-T50B - V550(ABPM.6)C0 - Static DHCP clients limit

Hi guys! Anyone know if ther's a way to get rid of 32 client limit for static dhcp assignment?
(Already tested the backup file mod trick.. don't work).
I have the firmware source from zyxel, but never modified a router firmware.. so no idea where to start, eventually.
Someone able to point me in the right path?

All Replies

  • Koumak
    Koumak Posts: 10
    First Comment
    Hi, manual for VMG says that:

    Subnet mask
    Enter the subnet mask, eg (default). The Zyxel device calculates the subnet mask based on the IP address entered, so don't change it unless you're absolutely sure what you're doing.

    Maybe it helped, but to be correct i never used different than defaul subnet mask. 
  • Subnet mask impact on the network "configuration" not on how many clients can I reserve in dhcp on MAC base.
    Probably is a memory limit in nvram or a limit fixed in the firmware source code. 
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hello @ExTrEmE

    At your own risk, you might want to look in the source code for any .h or .c files for busybox or udhcp and search for the limit of 32 in the source code.

    Happy New Year.

    Kind regards, Tony (a user)
  • Koumak said:
    This was the first try.
    When I changed my router from netgear to zyxel, I manually generated a json from an excel table where I have all my static ip Listed, and pushed the values inside a copy of zyxel backup file.
    Unfortunately the zyxel refuse to load all the data.. It load only until it's clients limit :(
  • Koumak
    Koumak Posts: 10
    First Comment
    I underestund you, i has different problem with another fw and also with IPTV which not working with absolutely standard configuration, which works on another devices. Zyxel started to be 
    untrustworthy company for me. 
    What about to try Mikrotik HW for your solution, some are very cheap and working well.  :-)
  • My bought list to replace the zyxel have in first place fritz 7590ax and in second mikrotik.
    The first is a very good all in one solution and I have the voip part too in the same device.
    Microtik devices are powerful / professional devices: this mean more configuration possibilities, more power.. But I'll lose voip (so I'll need external Ata) and probably I'll lose hours of sleep time to have it properly configured. Anyway.. With this limits I can't stay with zyxel vmg. 

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