NSA310S 100% CPU, nearly all of it on python

I've been having instability on this device over the last couple of weeks.  When it goes FUBAR, neither GUI nor filesharing work, but ping to the LAN IP works wit <1ms response. 

This thing is stock, with all services disabled (other than the minimum for file sharing).  No media servers, no FTP, nothing.  

What can I kill to get the CPU back down?  

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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,835  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    There are several python scripts active on the box. One of them is cdsdaemon, which has something to do with Twonky, but which on some boxes also is active when Twonky is disabled.
    If you have shell access, you can use 'top' to see which PID is responsible for the CPU load, and then execute
    cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline | tr '\0' ' '
    to see the commandline, and so the responsible script.
    In my Tweaks package you can find an option to disable a number of possible unneeded scripts.
  • This is just going to take a wee-bit of hand holding if you're willing...  I've used Putty to do some similar things with my Q-N-A-P  box, but I don't see an SSH option in the stock firmware for the NSA310s. 

    If you could point me to where I can enter command line, I should be good to try your suggestion.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,835  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    There is probably not ssh daemon on your box, but the telnet backdoor should work.
  • Wow, that's not super simple for a non-techie like me.  Fortunately, after rebooting the system, it has stayed in the low single-digits for CPU usage.  I suspect after turning off Twonky, it required a reboot?  Thankfully, I haven't had to attempt the backdoor :)

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