NAS Cifs Authorization

I have IPv4 and IPv6 running on my NAS542.
Connections over IPv4 are shown as LAN connections, connections over IPv6 as WAN connections.
Over IPv6 I have only limited authorization.
I can copy and delete folders or files but not rename them.

Does anyone know what the reason is?

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  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
    You can try ssh to device with tool "putty", then access with "root" user which has the same password as admin, with root user you'll have a full privilege to rename the files.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I think the subdivision in WAN and LAN is only cosmetic. Unless you are actually use one of the ports as WAN (don't!) the box cannot actually know it, it lives completely in the LAN and is dependent on the router to access the WAN. It can only look at the remote addresses to guess if it's WAN or not. For IPv6 that can be harder, and I think you are looking to a poor guess implementation.
    Not that it matters, AFAIK 'WAN' connections are not treated different than 'LAN' connections. At least there is no firewall.
    So you are actually looking for a difference between IPv4 and IPv6, in this respect. Why are you calling it cifs? Is your client using cifs? Does -for instance- smbclient show the same distinction?
  • @ikubuf
    The problem is not renaming the files, but the difference from IPv4 to IPv6.
    Over IPv4 I can rename the files/folders, over IPv6 it does not work.
    The question is, why is there a difference?

  • @Mijzelf
    CIFS stands for Common Internet File System and is used by the Windows operating system for file sharing (client/server model) via SMB (Server Message Block) protocol.
    If it is only cosmetic, there should be no difference. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
    In the case of IPv4 everything works fine, with IPv6 there are limitations that I have never seen before.
    Copying and deleting files works, renaming files does not.
    In both cases I use static local IP addresses.
    In this case:
    IPv6: fd00:0:0:178::10/64
    How does the difference come from?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
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    If it is only cosmetic, there should be no difference. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

    With 'only cosmetic' I meant the subdivision in 'WAN' and 'LAN'. Not the difference between IPv4 and IPv6.

    I have no idea what could cause the IPv4/IPv6 difference. As far as I can see it cannot be a permission problem, as AFAIK there is no separate permission for rename vs. delete. Are you sure it's the server? Can you reproduce the problem with different clients? (Preferably really different clients, and not the same software on a different box.)

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