NAS540 NZBget communication error

Kuno Posts: 25  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary
When I open NZBget in webbrowser, after 10 sec. it comes with a message "Communication error" and there is no more access to NZBget's webinterface. If I, in the control panel, disable/enable it, I can access it again, for 10 sec.
I think it startede, when I updated the firmware from version 07 to 09. I have reflashed 09 and downgraded to 07, but nothing helps!
Hoping somebody has a clue, to what is happening.

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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Long shot, are you accessing the NAS by name, and is it possible that IPv6 is used? I have seen that kind of behavior under those circumstances.
    The cause is that the box is first accessed using it's local link address (fe80::/10), and for some reason when a script in the webpage tries to access the server, it switches to a global address of the NAS, which makes the browser to refuse the incoming answer, as it's a CORS error.
    I *think* that is a browser bug, as the webpage script just tries to access a resource from the same domain as where it loaded from. It's the browser which (maybe indirect) decides to use another IP address, so he should know it's not CORS. But it can be reproduced in both Chrome and Firefox.
    Anyway, the only way I could find to avoid this problem is to either not access the server from the same LAN (in which case local link addresses cannot be used) or disable IPv6 on the server.

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