[Solved] LTE5398-M904 does not connect using a Vodafone Italy SIM

BruCom Posts: 32  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband

Greetings to the community

Usually I use an Iliad SIM in the above modem/router.
Today I wanted trying a Vodafone SIM, usually used by my iPad.
Surprise surprise, does not work in the Zyxel.
The SIM is recognized but there is no 4G connection.
I tryed both, auto and manual APN configuration with no success.

By the way, I already found this article and manually set the APN with IP V4….















Attached below the 2 log for auto and manual APN configuration.

Thank you to anyone can help and provide a solution.

All Replies

  • BruCom
    BruCom Posts: 32  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    I solved the problem.

    For some reasons seems that with this SIM and/or provider a manual PLMN selection is required. 😕

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