Zyxel NSA310 died but disk OK/ How do I access the files?

TiredDevil Posts: 4
First Comment
edited March 2023 in Personal Cloud Storage

Hi all,

I've been using a Zyxel NSA310 for a while now and the hardware has given up but the disk, when removed seems to be intact and some of the data accessable via a USB caddy.

When I try and access the folders in Ubuntu the first ones are there it says I dont have access to the deeper folders and files.
When I try and access them from Windows 10 it has no idea and just wants me to format the disk.

Is there any way of gaining access again without having to buy another NSA310?

I want to avoid using data recover software as I want to try and retain the directory structure and transfer to another drive.

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,811  Guru Member
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    When I try and access the folders in Ubuntu the first ones are there it says I dont have access to the deeper folders and files.

    What do you mean by 'first ones'? Are that the directories which were visible as shares on the NAS?

  • No. When I plug the hdd drive as a slave into the pc and boot into Ubuntu I can see the root folders but when I try and open them they are empty. I think it's a security or permissions issue with the exfat or something like that.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,811  Guru Member
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    And the root folders have the names of the shares? Strange. I'd say that the volume is mounted correctly, then, but the default permissions for the root directories is full access for everybody. So if you can see them, you should be able to open them.

  • I thought that because when it was in the NAS anyone could access the files over the . It is strange.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,811  Guru Member
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    No. Normally the files are accessed via the samba server daemon, which should be able to access all files. The access rights are enforced by samba, to where you login.

    The filesystem has ways to enforce access rights, but those are not used, as you are not supposed to access the filesystem locally. The only supported shell access is for admin, who has right to access all user files anyway.

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