NAS 326 problem


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  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    edited January 2024

    @MichalP Thanks for the condolences. Unfortunately, that doesn't help much at the moment. I tried using the main hard drives (RAID 1) from NAS #1 on a "spare device" but also failed. No access to the volume and the created folders (only the default folders as delivered were visible). The maximum firmware version I could use on this NAS (#4) via download from the old FTP site was V5.21(AAZF.10)C0. This NAS #4 then appeared to show the same problem (without having a reboot schedule configured on this NAS). Even after “RESET” to default values, the device was initially no longer accessible in the LAN (no IP pulled via DHCP). For a moment it actually looked like the Ethernet interface wasn't initializing properly - for whatever reason. On a final attempt to access the manual IP, I found that it was still saved even though I had performed a RESET according to the user manual (2 beeps + 5 seconds = "Unlock to clear all settings"). And which is also great. This NAS responds to the power button and performs a shutdown. But none of this helps me much in the current situation. Unfortunately, I now have to attach the hard drives to a Linux PC and back up the data before the hard drives fail.

    @Mijzelf My Linux background is not that good. That are too many pages and chat interruptions for me, in the suggested,88619 . A layperson no longer recognizes where the current documentary begins and what opinions, experiments and/or special problems are. I thought i could administer the NAS as a normal end user via the web interface (which did for at least 1,5 years). That's why you buy these devices - otherwise you could build it yourself. When I access the help at,88619 I find that with my know-how it will take longer than switching to another manufacturer. My time with Zyxel NAS and configurations via telnet or serial console is now finally over. Many thanks to the community and especially to you. Your contributions have always been very helpful (especially those about my previous attempts with MEDION NAS).

    Good bye Zyxel-NAS

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    If anyone has a suggestion on how to easily access the data on the hard drives, please feel free to do so here. It was a volume with 2 x 2TB HDD (RAID 1).

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
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    If anyone has a suggestion on how to easily access the data on the hard
    drives, please feel free to do so here. It was a volume with 2 x 2TB HDD
    (RAID 1).

    If you have the possibility to connect them to a PC, which you can boot from an Ubuntu live USB stick, it will recognize and mount the volume.

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    Thank you @Mijzelf,

    i'll give it a try (have to generate an Ubuntu live USB stick - but time is short).

    I first tried with one HD-drive of the NAS-Volume and with my knoppix 9.1 (my best Rescue-CD till now 🙂), but had no automatic mount. I can see the Harddrive, i can see and read S.M.A.R.T - values with some/different HD-Tools and can see even "healthy" partitions, but i'm not able to access any data. It's also impossible to see the info of the used filesystem. This is strange to me. Haven't seen this yet.

    Did you mean i have to install both drives, or is one drive enough?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,866  Guru Member
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    Did you mean i have to install both drives, or is one drive enough?

    The whole point of having raid1 is that one disk is enough to access the data. Yet no OS will automount a degraded array, for the simple reason it doesn't know why the other disk isn't there. When you mount a degraded array, it will stay degraded, even when you add the original companion. The reason for this is that the raid header is updated with new timestamps, and so the other half is no longer part of the same array.

    Maybe there are OSes which have a 'mount it anyway' button, but the only way I know is to assemble the array manually, using the —run option:

    mdadm —assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda2 —run

    It's also impossible to see the info of the used filesystem.

    That is to be expected. The partition contains a raid header of ~4kB, and the filesystem starts hereafter. So as long as you don't assemble the array or lowlevel read the header, the used filesystem is invincible.

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    Thank you @Mijzelf,

    if the array was broken because one of the two HDDs was broken, then I could just take the surviving disk, mount it "degraded" to a Linux PC and read/backup the data. My only problem is that the array was OK until the NAS software crashed. I would have to, so to speak, forcibly destroy/degrade the RAID array to get to the data, or mount the array with both disks at once. In order to then copy everything again later into a new system with RAID1. Am i right?

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    Hello @Mijzelf ,

    I have a fourth NAS 326 that has not been updated to the latest firmware, but is also not fully set up/configured yet. If I don't create a volume and just insert the HDDs from the other NAS, would the software recognize the volume?

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    edited January 2024

    Hi @Mijzelf ,
    I tried it with the hard drives from the third NAS (not so important data - losing it wouldn't be that bad) and I can see data and even copy it to a new location over LAN. I will now try this with the second NAS as well. Seems as i loose only time. The HDDs of the second NAS and the volume were also recognized. Probably won't lose any data. I just need an idea on how to get the three "defective" NAS working again (Access to perform firmware downgrade or configure to work stable).

    p.s. It's not as easy as it looks. You only see the default folders as delivered. I cannot see self-created folders in the main directory. What a pity.

    Now i recognized it. There is no VOLUME in Administration-View of Storage Manager. I Can see the Disks, the Disk Group with a name "Volume 1" , but no Volume.

    Looks like I'll have to start over.

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    edited January 2024

    Hurray - the Volume on Disk Group now shows all Folders, and all Data can be copied over LAN as bevore.

    I tried several times to login in Administration and to deactivate the monthly "cron-job" of restart.

    After nearly 2 hours i was successfull on NAS #2 and NAS #3. Both are running as before. CPU is max on 20%. Administration-Website is fully functional, NAS are reachable in LAN.

    I think it's time for a break. Tomorrow i'll try the same procedure with NAS #1.

    btw. I'm not shure if this constellation is a RAID 1 as before. In a few days i will get new HDDs, so i can test installation and configuration on NAS #4 and then i can see how it will be shown in Storage Manager afterwards.

  • franzk
    franzk Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    Short night. Break is over. Start repair of the last NAS #1….

    You have to be very fast. The NAS can only be accessed for a very short time via the admin interface. Then switch to the control panel as quickly as possible, use the Maintenance, Power, "Power on/off schedule" menu and turn off the "power control schedule" slider. The NAS then remains stable and can be administered normally again.

    After reboot everything seems normal.

    You can use the continuous ping to see when the NAS is briefly accessible! Then things have to happen quickly. Maybe the administration interface reacts sluggishly and you don't get to the settings so quickly, then you just have to try again and again until you succeed.

    This must be the solution for firmware-update to V5.21(AAZF.15)C0 with hanging NAS (CPU 100% and NAS not reachable) afterwardds, if power control schedule was activated before.

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