Multy m1 won't connect with each other, refuses to add

Hello, I just bought this product of "Multy M1 WSM20 pack of three". I followed the instructions, downloaded the app, said yes to the download firmware question, but after adding the satellite multys they showed as "not connected" on the app. So I tried to re-add them, by deleting them from the homenetwork on the app. After this I tried resetting those two from the reset button, and the ligthts finally turned solid turqoise. But now they will not add back to the network when I try it on the app. The main multy is still connected to the ethernet and I get an internet connection through it. It is blinking green. What do I do?

Accepted Solution

  • OlliT
    OlliT Posts: 3
    First Comment
    Answer ✓

    Okay I think I solved it by deleting the router multy from the app, then resetting that multy with the physical reset button, then adding everything again from the app, this time paying more attention to the led signals. I did the adding this time so that all the multys were physically next to each other, then unpluggud them and moved them to their desired positions.

All Replies

  • OlliT
    OlliT Posts: 3
    First Comment
    Answer ✓

    Okay I think I solved it by deleting the router multy from the app, then resetting that multy with the physical reset button, then adding everything again from the app, this time paying more attention to the led signals. I did the adding this time so that all the multys were physically next to each other, then unpluggud them and moved them to their desired positions.

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,324  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @OlliT

    If the blinking green LED issue unfortunately appear again, please feel free to let us know.

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