issue with custom cronjobs and scripts

thisismosi Posts: 3
First Comment
edited May 2023 in Personal Cloud Storage

Hello there

I have an NSA325 v2 I connect to it using ssh and try to set up my custom cronjob and run my custom scripts.

after any reboot, the whole cronjobs and script get removed and I don't know why it's happening! is it something about the Linux version?

is there any way to install something like Debian or red hat on NSA325 v2?


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    The problem is that the /etc directory in in the initramfs (with exception of /etc/zyxel, on which a flash partition is mounted), and so any change won't survive a reboot.

    I wrote a package 'Tweaks', which can add cronjobs (an other goodies), which you can install if you first install MetaRepository.

    is there any way to install something like Debian or red hat on NSA325 v2


  • antren
    antren Posts: 1
    First Comment

    it is possible that the firmware is configured to reset the system to its default state upon reboot. You can try creating a startup script that sets up your custom cronjobs and runs your custom scripts after the system boots up.

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