NSA540 - https lockout

Franklin Posts: 10  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

Hi. I created a self-signed ssl cert within the Zyxel UI, and imported to my browser.

The certificate fails - Connection Refused.

Unfortunately I aslo selected the HTTPS ONLY option so cannot use http

I have look at httpd.conf via SSH, cannot find the lines to enabling listening on port 80, or disable any re-directs. cannot find any .htaccess file either.

Can anyone adivse which file/s I edit and how?

I do nto wna to factory reset the NAS>

Many thanks for any ideas.

Cheers Franklin

NSA540 running LMS Squeeze

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Most configuration is stored on a flash partition which is mounted on /etc/zyxel/. (Factory reset is mainly erasing this partition). I think the redirect is stored in /etc/zyxel/conf/startup-config.conf.xml , between the tags <redirect></redirect>. On my system there is a 'no' there. If yours has a 'yes', change it, do a 'sync' (don't know if that is needed, but it won't hurt) and reboot.

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