No puedo acceder al Panel de mi nas326

Buenas tardes,

Ya es la segunda vez que me ocurre en muy poco tiempo, la primera vez tuve que hacer un HARD RESET, pero creo que no es normal que vuelva a ocurrir.

No puedo acceder al Panel de Control, se queda siempre con el mensaje "Iniciando sesión", aunque le ponga un usuario y contraseña incorrecta, pasa lo mismo.

He reseteado, cambiando la IP del nas... pero sigo sin poder entrar.

Las únicades mapeadas funcionan correctamente y puedo añadir, borrar y modificar archivos sin problemas, pero no puedo entrar en la configuración del Nas.

Alguna explicación?



Good afternoon,

This is the second time this has happened to me in a very short time, the first time I had to do a HARD RESET, but I think it's not normal for it to happen again.

I can't access the Control Panel, it always keeps the message "Logging in", even if I put an incorrect username and password, the same thing happens.

I have reset, changing the IP of the nas... but I still can't enter.

The mapped uniques work correctly and I can add, delete and modify files with no problems, but I can't get into the Nas settings.

Some explanation?

Thank you

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    I don't know what causes it, but I have read of it before. Sometimes the NAS forgets it's samba passwords.

    There is a work around, if you have shell access enabled (ssh or telnet). Login in a shell as root, (the shell password is stored on a different place than the samba password), and execute

    smbpasswd admin

    Then change the samba password. Then you can login on the webinterface, and change it again, to trigger a persistent storage.

  • okimarukas
    okimarukas Posts: 92  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Maybe try with other browser would work.
    you can give it a try if the issue happen next time.

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