NR5103 - How to lock the LTE primary/anchor band?

lucapagliuca Posts: 14
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
edited January 4 in Mobile Broadband

On my NR5103E, I wonder how to force the use of a specific LTE band as primary/anchor.

Unfortunately, in my area B7 provides better uplink than B1 though they are both providing excellent DL speeds.

Any idea?


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  • Friday
    Friday Posts: 80  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Hi @lucapagliuca ,

    You can access Broadband>Cellular Band and disable Band Auto Selection,

    from here you can fix the specific band.

    thank you! 

  • Hi,

    yes, the band selection function works in general, but it does not allow the selection of the PRIMARY BAND, meaning that it is chosen by the NR5103 according to (I guess) specific legacy algorithms. Unfortunately, in my case, the BAND chosen as PRIMARY by the router (among the selected ones) is the one that provides worst UL performances due to heavy load cell conditions… though I want to keep it allowed for DL as it provides good DL performances.

    That's we I would like to understand how I can force a specific band to be forced as PRIMARY; as an alternative, I would like to have the possibility to choose a specific band al UPLINK primary band…

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