Multiples bugs on Multy M1 AP


I notice many bugs on the AP Multy M1, including:

-> When disabling the WPS from the web interface, the master AP correctly applies the parameter but the satellites (WPS still active on them).

-> Unable to apply 40 Mhz bandwidth on 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi (parameter applies to master but not to satellites)

-> Regularly an SSID called "MAP-UNCONF" is broadcast, especially by satellites. Why?

-> When renewing DHCP leases, the Main AP restarts its services even if its IP address does not change.

These bugs concern a system configured in bridge mode and ethernet backhaul on all APs, each AP having a static DHCP lease.

-> The ethernet backhaul of the different APs is functional according to the Web interface.
-> The firmware is up to date on the various APs (V1.00(ABZF.5)C0)

Do you have a firmware update to fix these various bugs?

If so, do you have a deadline for making the new firmware available?

These bugs cause instabilities in the operation of the Multy M1 system, so it is not satisfactory.


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,331  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    edited August 2023
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,331  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @hlegeard

    Thanks for the feedback

    ->#1 When disabling the WPS from the web interface, the master AP correctly applies the parameter but the satellites (WPS still active on them).

    Yes, the WPS will work on the master AP, but not on satellites.

    -> #2Unable to apply 40 Mhz bandwidth on 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi (parameter applies to master but not to satellites)

    Yes, the bandwidth will work on master, but not on satellites.

    -> #3Regularly an SSID called "MAP-UNCONF" is broadcast, especially by satellites. Why?

    It is an issue on the previous firmware, please do the reset and install, the issue will not appear on the latest firmware V1.00(ABZF.5)C0

    -> #4When renewing DHCP leases, the Main AP restarts its services even if its IP address does not change.

    Please help to describe more details about the issue, what does it mean the renewing DHCP leases?

    Thanks for your valuable feedback.
    #1 and #2 we'll evaluate the feature in our future product.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Jerry,

    Thanks for your answer on point #3, it seems to have stabilized on this side on my Multy M1 system,

    However, I think you misunderstood questions #1, #2:

    Regarding #1, when I deactivate WPS on the master AP, it does deactivate on the master AP but not on the others.
    So for me it's a bug and not a feature to add.
    AP management being centralized on the Master AP.

    Regarding #2, same as #1, the setting should be applied to all APs, with all APs managed on the master AP.

    Moreover, we do not have the possibility to individually configure these parameters on each AP, only the web interface of the master AP is functional when the APs are added to the Mesh system.

    Regarding #4, let me explain:
    When the Master AP is configured to obtain an IP address by a DHCP server, it obtains this address for a limited period defined by the DHCP server. In my case, this duration is set to 24h.
    I noticed in the logs present on the web interface of the master AP that every 24 hours approximately, from the start time of the master AP, that the services are restarted.
    The logs indicate that the IP address has changed, but this is not true in my case because the IP address of the master AP is reserved on the DHCP server. So it never changes.

    I thought I saw on the Zyxel community that a new firmware version was to be released very soon. Do you confirm this?

    Best regards.

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,331  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @hlegeard
    Thanks for the detail information.
    Regarding to the case #1 &#2 we'll check if we will check if there is possibility to enhance on this mechanism.
    Regarding to the issue #4, we see the same symptom in our local lab, we will check on this case.

    Best Regards,


  • About issue #3 I must say that I experience it even with the latest firmware.

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,331  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @HoSDo

    Thanks for the feedback

    The issue is caused by changing the backhaul from ethernet backhaul to wireless backhaul or from wireless backhaul to wireless backhaul then it will pop up, we're working on this case.

    Best Regards,


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