[ATP/FLEX] How to use remote Web-GUI in Nebula Monitor Mode?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,306  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited August 2023 in Maintenance

Question: How to use the Remote configurator to generate a remote Web-GUI link in Nebula Monitor Mode?

Answer :

Ensure the device is in Nebula Monitor Mode.

Side-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Configuration

Side-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Live tools > Remote configurator

Click the "Establish" button.

Click "OK" to proceed.

The remote Web-GUI link has been successfully generated.

Copy and paste the remote Web-GUI link into a browser's URL field, then enter the device's credentials, including the username and password.

Eventually, you can enter the remote We-GUI successfully.