[ATP/FLEX] How to schedule backup the configuration file in Nebula Monitor Mode?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,284  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited August 2023 in Maintenance

Purpose:  To allow the user to schedule back up the configuration on the Nebula by schedule and prevent it from being lost due to unexpected reasons.

Question: How to schedule backup the configuration file in Nebula Monitor Mode?

Answer :

Ensure the device is in Nebula Monitor Mode.

Side-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Configuration

Side-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Backup & restore

Click the "Schedule Backup" button.

You will see frequency options: 'Disable,' 'Monthly,' 'Weekly,' and 'Daily.' Choose one.

Monthly: The configuration file will be updated on a specific date.

Weekly: The configuration file will be updated on a specific day of the week.

Daily: The configuration file will be updated every day.

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