Understanding device online time on Nebula Control Center

Zyxel_Adam Posts: 429  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers Third Anniversary 10 Comments Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
edited January 16 in Other Topics

The Nebula Control Center, being a cloud-based solution, requires a certain amount of time to sync and update device data information to its servers. This delay is to minimize high bandwidth utilization and prevent an increase in the device's CPU usage that could result from constant data connections.

The Nebula solution achieves this by implementing a specific polling interval for different device types to gather device data information. The time it takes for this information to sync and appear on the Nebula Control Center varies depending on the device type:

  • SCR & Firewall: Approximately 8 minutes
  • Switches: Approximately 6 minutes
  • Access Points: Approximately 5 minutes

The polling process for each device may occur at different times.

Additionally, the initial connection of a device to the Nebula network may incur a longer delay. This is because the device is not only syncing but also being configured with the specific settings of your NCC site as well as checking firmware version.

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