
Yslknowplug87 Posts: 1
edited 2024 04 in Mobile Broadband

Hello everyone, I use the router mentioned in the title. I use the router in Germany with a German mobile phone provider. Everything worked fine for a few months. Recently the page loading has been very slow. The cellular network with the same SIM card in my mobile phone is very good. I found out that the router doesn't use ipv6 even though it is enabled. Maybe that's why the internet is so slow? Do you have any ideas what I could do?

All Replies

  • ivx675
    ivx675 Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment First Anniversary


    I had similar problem with new router(latest firmware and modem firmware). After router restart all work o for some hours. Initially download 100 mbit with 5 wifi and 70 mbit with 2.4 wifi, after some time download 20 mbit with 5 wifi and 40 mbit with 2.4 wifi. Wifi 5 slower than wifi 2.4 few meter away from router is mystery. I disabled IPv6 in router and now seems to work ok.

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