How to use CLI to delete multiple IP addresses on a WAN interface settings?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,306  Zyxel Employee
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Question :

As the FAQ : How to use CLI to add multiple IP addresses on a WAN interface? mentioned, we can use the CLI to add multiple IP addresses on a WAN interface. But how do we delete this setting? This FAQ will guide you.

Answer :

If I want to delete the three static IPs,,, and, on the USG Flex 200HP GE2 interface, you can use the CLI to execute the following commands:

usgflex200hp> edit running

usgflex200hp running config# del vrf main interface ethernet ge2 ipv4 address
usgflex200hp running config# del vrf main interface ethernet ge2 ipv4 address
usgflex200hp running config# del vrf main interface ethernet ge2 ipv4 address

usgflex200hp running config# commit
Configuration committed.

Once it is done you can use show interface to check the CLI result and you will find those three static IP addresses were gone.
