NSA325v2 my SMB share on Windows XP dies out and web interface stops responding

aldapooh Posts: 66  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

Hi Zyxel community,

I want to share my recent issues with my NSA325v2.

As I have a pretty wild laptop park including Win XP, Win 7 and Win 11 laptops in order to support Samba 2/3 on Win 11 I updated SMB on NSA325v2 as advised by Mijzelf (see thread and instructions here: https://community.zyxel.com/en/discussion/comment/59940

What I recently observed after 3 months, and it might be unrelated to SMB2/3 support, but to do something with my very old NSA325v2 box:

  1. Sometimes the web interface stops responding, but the Twonky interface is available. In parallel, telnet connection via Putty works fine.
    to workaround that I use the following cmd to restart web-interface: /etc/init.d/httpd.sh restart
  2. I have noticed that in parallel to the event 1) above, my SMB share on Windows XP dies out - so Win XP says that the share is not available or being used somewhere else.
    In parallel the SMB share on Win 11 works fine.
    to workaround that I use the following cmd: /etc/init.d/samba.sh restart.
    after that the share on Win XP works fine.

this happened twice in a recent months.

so even I found a remedy to my problem 1) and 2) I wonder what the root cause of those issues might be and if I need to take any further steps to mitigate them

thanks everyone.

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,852  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    On my NSA325 I had the problem that after several days of uptime the whole TCP/IP stack died. Tried to investigate it using the serial port, but it was simply not reproducible enough, so I never figured out what caused it. It was not software related, as the software hadn't changed in years. I don't think it's hardware either, so I can only guess that it has to do with new types of network traffic.

    You problem seems different, as not the whole stack is down, and you can simply restart the affected daemon. In case of the webserver you could have a look if it's still running:

    netstat -ltpn

    If you don't see it on port 80, than I suppose it crashed. When it is visible that way, you could write a cronjob to restart it when it's down.

    Samba is more difficult. AFAIK Smb1 and Smb2 uses the same port, so how can one fail while the other continues? Maybe you can get more info when you enable logging for the samba daemon. (Should be enabled in /opt/etc/samba/smb.conf). Something like

    log file = /opt/var/log/samba.log

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