Multy M1 is useless

This comes from sheer frustration!

I have a Zyxel Multy M1 connected via PPPOE to a static IP. I have a second M1 in a bedroom on the first floor at the back of the house. It reports as too close with a RSSI -62 dBm. I have a third M1 in the outbuilding approx 20m from the back of the house that daisy chains from the second and reports perfect at -69 dBm (as of right now).

I connected my eldest's computer to the second M1 with a couple of meters of cat 6 and he gets a pretty decent 300Mbps+. My youngest gets around 200Mbps on his Xbox WIFI. The outbuilding (it's a home bar where I work) is getting between 40 and 60 Mbps weather dependant. In the kitchen diagonally to the back of the house from the primary and parallel with the second, minus 1 floor, is a dead spot. The connection is flaky at best!

Here comes the real issue; we are getting pauses where the connection reports as fine but there is just no WAN connectivity - the tools in the M1 web configurator show no WAN disconnect and devices are still connected, but there is just no outbound connectivity. Disconnecting from the WIFI will correct the problem or a reboot of the secondary nodes. With two boys gaming this gets a lot of attention when they are in an online game. Interestingly Alexa is a pretty good status reporter...when the music stops it is happening. I am a developer, hit a lot of remote machines where a VPN is out and out a bottleneck, more often than not I am ok with speed but when I am simply tapping out code I don't notice the dropouts. The missus working in the house 5 metres from the primary M1 is getting dropped from her teams calls - this causes me the most pain as she is on these calls most of the day!!! She is also moving into the bar to work soon, so the connectivity is going to become more and more important.

HOWEVER, if that were the only problem, perhaps I could live with it...but sometimes the WIFI simply refuse to let a device connect at all. My business partner was in the bar with me and until I rebooted the M1 it reported an incorrect WPA2 password. Not true, since he has been here many times and I reshared the password. I have since changed to WPA3 Mix.

Whenever I send logs to Zyxel I get half answers - it was the second node. I KNOW THAT, the question is why?! They asked I switch the channels for the 2.4 and 5 GHz - I did so.

UPDATE: this morning I come into the bar - it's a drizzly day - suddenly the third node is too close and is operating at about 2 Mbps. I have rebooted it and its uplink node and aside from being back to perfect the speed has not improved.

I have come to the conclusion this product is useless and a waste of £140. I am now seeking alternative solutions.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,318  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @cbm64

    Thanks for the feedback.
    We'll help to contact the local representative and assist you on this case.
    May I know where is your region/located?

    Best Regards,


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