Secondhand NR7101 - Wifi Password?

Hi, I bought a secondhand NR7101, but the antenna is missing wifi password sticker.

How can I find wifi password so I can set up this router?

The SN is S200Z51013023

All Replies

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 216  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi Sunset72,

    Please contact Telenor for the default Wi-Fi password.

    According to policy, Zyxel only provides product-related information to Telenor.



  • baardl
    baardl Posts: 2
    First Comment


    I have the same issue with an Telenor NR7101. Talking to their support they were not able to find a admin password, nor wifi password. Telenor Support then refered me to one of their installation entreprenours. Contacting the installation company have yet not proven successfull. I'm in a kind of a loop where no-one has this access info.

    Hope you are able to help out here.


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