How to capture packets on the Web-GUI in USG Flex H models?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,306  Zyxel Employee
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Question :

Capturing packets on the Web-GUI is an important troubleshooting skill for network administrators. This article will guide you on how to perform this task.

Answer :

For instance, if a user tries to capture packets from the USG Flex 200HP model, follow these steps:

Navigate to the device's Web-GUI Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture > Select the profile and click the "Edit" button.

Select the ge3 interface, then edit the "Filter" and "Misc setting" options.

Select the profile and click the play button to start packet capturing.

Click the stop button to stop packet capturing.

Select the captured packet and download it.

Open the packet file to check the content.
